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David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jan 2004 : 19:37:02
Yehoshuah H’ Natzrith (Jesus of Nazareth) specified the “sign of thy coming” could be calculated from the Book of Daniel (Matthew 24:15). A reading of Daniel certainly reveals many numerical symbols. Not only that but often numbers appear in the Bible that at first seem to be rather arbitrary or random but after a while it seems that certain numbers appear in similar context, a pattern or characteristic that is attached to, say Seven.
I placed an experimental Reply in the ‘saving to suitors’ forum about the number 5. Of course we find confirmations for what we already believe and to avoid this we have scientific rigor, experimentation and controls. But there are some very entertaining coincidences to say the least and often we discover patterns and consistencies that to our knowledge are unique and wonderful news worth sharing.
A few minutes ago I found that the number 5 has been pondered for a long time in the book, History of Freemasonry and Concordant Orders 1890. The thread of authority like David collecting five smooth stones for Goliath has been recognized for millennia. Of course the Freemasons are not the only group or society to adopt mathematical symbols that function. The Pentacle (Pentagram in a circle) is well known in Faustian Magick and almost every form of witchcraft.
An interesting piece of history is that Pythagoras (whether a man or the symbolic Egyptian technology) was captured by Cambysis a Babylonian general and taken for 12 years into Babylon. Now this is typical of a foreign capture and occupation. The laypeople stayed to provide for the occupation government and the intellectuals were sent back home to enrich the mother-culture. But get this. This would have been right around 550 BC when Daniel was the chieftain of the Babylonian Magi. Could it be that Pythagoras was tutored by God’s prophet Daniel?
Therefore if you feel strongly about numbers being used for amusement and maybe even some edification about prophecy etc. you may want to bite your tongue and wait a little to hit “Send Reply”. Let’s be careful not to judge too strongly one another. There are some elevated sensitivities about this topic. After all, Jesus was referring to the Babylonian chieftain Daniel; the foremost of the Babylonian sorcerers and astrologers.
I will start by posting my mathematic treatise that has gained encouragement that I start a thread.
Now I am going to toss something out there and see how it sticks. Some mathematics. Don’t get discouraged or scared if this makes no sense to you. I am hoping to some of you, this is already on your hearts.; click "216.JPEG"
What you are looking at is the 216 digit (Angelic) Name of God derived from Exodus 14:19-21. Darren Aronofsky produced his debut (1999 Sundance Film Festival winner) flick dirt cheap, black and white titled “Pi - faith in chaos” and there are a few scenes about this. If you have it on DVD pause when Saul leaves the encrypted Name on the Go board. Pause on Saul’s notes. What I thought I saw here in the notes when I paused a VHS video tape was the same paleo-Hebrew you see above. I was really thrilled that Aronofsky knew. Earlier in the flick, modern Hebrew had failed to produce results. But then I paused a DVD and found out I was looking at numbers, just normal numbers in Saul’s notes.
Anyway, the Hebrew alphabet has not just changed style from the Sumarian Ostraca font of David’s time (1000 BC), it has changed numerically. Originally the alphabet is modulo 500 and lately the alphabet is modulo 1000. This is probably a westernization to accommodate number lines. The rabbis did this by adding five finals. These are repeat letters but when they are used at the end of a word they equate to the 500, 600 … 900. See? The next increment is 1000 so I call it “modulo 1000” like in cryptological mathematics.
The number line of the alphabet is not linear either. It goes Aleph (see Psalm 119) = 1; Beth = 2... Teth = 9; Yod = 10; Caph = 20; Lamed = 30... Tzaddi = 90; Koph = 100; Resh = 200; Shin = 300; Tav = 400. Logarithmic; exponential. Not linear like the Newtonian calculus and mechanics. This is the mathematics of life. The Fibonacci Sequence and the five cube sum number locks. [1, 153, 370, 371, 407] The key is found at I Samuel 17:40 and John 21:11 among other clues (see footnote). But the last letter is Tav=400 and the next increment is 500 so ‘modulo 500‘; not modulo 1000 is the logarithmic number line of the Bible. The mathematics of life.; click "72-Fold Name.JPEG"
The lower primes work much more functionally in prior knowledge psychometrics. Forecasting the stock market works much better with the Fibonacci numbers. The Fibonacci Sequence is exponential on a 61.55% ration. 0+1=1;1+1=2;2+1=3;3+2=5;5+3=8;8+5=13... The ratio of the addends is 61.55%. Five. If you go from the point of a pentagram to the intersection, that is 61.55%. This ration is found throughout nature from cellular biology to the cosmic precedence (“wobble” of the North Star; rotates 1º every 72 years). 360º / 5 = 72. The Vitruvian Man drawn by Leonardo da Vinci. Like God’s signature throughout life. The 216 digit name above is 72 x 3 = 216 and is derived because these three verses contain 72 letters each (see footnote 2). It is the Seventy-two Fold Name spoken by the cohen gadol (high priest) over the congregation from the holiest place on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement; Leviticus 23) for the forgiveness of the ecclesia.
Atonement, repentence and the rebirth. The clean white bride and the new name (of the man or woman; not the artifice) represented like a white stone of acquittal. Jurists of old played with a (smooth) black and a white stone in their hands while they listened to the evidence. Then they put one or the other into the hat to determine conviction or acquittal. This is why I am putting this out there.
David Merrill.
Footnote: The U.S. Courthouse has the bill of rights posted on a bronze placard and at the Tenth Amendment about State’s rights is a (right; pointing up) pentagram. See the Stars and Stripes.; click "72-weights.JPEG"
Footnote 2: After optimizing the resonance of the Table of Relative Weights for naturally occurring isotopes, I discovered the value shift reflected the number seventy-two.
Edited by - David Merrill on 08 Jan 2004 11:03:52 |
Advanced Member
144 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jan 2004 : 20:24:39
I, for one, don't quite know enough to comprehend what you are getting to. I will need a bit more hand-holding before I pick up on the significance of what you're saying.
The one thing that catches my eye, though, is the occurence of 216. I've long suspected that the alternate 616, that is given as a footnote in some Bibles, for 666 (the mark of the beast) is the result of a misunderstanding that some scribe had when reading 216 (rather than 666). I believe someone could not understand 216, as a true alternate view of 666, and wrote 616. The point being that 6*6*6 = 216. |
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jan 2004 : 21:22:26
Carefully reading your comment. It sounds as though there may be correlation between 216 and 666? [6 x 6 x 6 = 216] This is a very fetching concept in the context of the movie "Pi - faith in chaos" by Darren Aronofsky. The character and mathematician Maximilian Cohen has to deal with both Wall Street thugs and Chassidic thugs picking at him for the 216 digits.
David Merrill.
Edited by - David Merrill on 03 Jan 2004 08:58:55 |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jan 2004 : 12:36:01
Greetings all. One may find Pythagoras mentioned in Daniel's book at chapter 8:13.....{8-13 isn't that in the fibonacci series?}The word, "certain"...the hebrew word, palmoni. My copy of the KJV has palmoni in a footnote-sidebar as: Palmoni, or, the numberer of secrets, or the wonderful numberer. Yes, he indeed was with Daniel in Babylon, till his release and return to Greece, where the lost Israelites had been gathering for some time. A fine book was written at the turn of the last century by a Uriah Smith..."The Book of Daniel". In this book, he states emphatically the beast of Revelations 13, will be the U.S. We have always had Father's prophets among us, and few ever listen. Washington's monument stands 555' 1/8". The Jesuit statue on the D.C.'s Capitol building stands 19' 6". 6'+6'+6'=18'. 6"+6"+6"= 1 1/2'. Together 18'+1 1/2'= 19'6". The female goddess faces Rome. There are 72 blocks in the body of the pyramid on a dollar bill. How many souls of Jacob/Israel went into Egypt? Charles Thompson demanded that the Obverse seal be selected. {Charles retired from politics shortly after and spent his remaining days here translating the septuagint into English} It wasn't used until the U.S. went into receivership to the banker's in 1933. The Capstone is floating above the body, on the Seal. Suppose the Body of Messiah collectively, is still rejecting the One who laid claim to being the chief cornerstone the builder's rejected? I was taught that the hebrew letter H represented 5, five {5} being a code for what we call Grace. Grace...H, was added to Abram and Sari's name, regarding their parts to play in bringing forth the promised son.
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jan 2004 : 15:27:23
You just reminded me that the traditional obelisk proportions are 10 to 1. Therefore the height and base(s) [555 + 55.5 + 55.5 = 666] of the Washington Monument sum to 666 feet.
I have also noticed the Egyptian Jethro introduced the Sanhedrin to Moses. The Sanhedrin was a body of Seventy assembled to adjudicate lesser matters and take the strain off Moses. Numbers 11. But in the initial convening, also "numbered" among the Seventy were Eldad and Medad who stayed behind in the camp and were prophesying [the Talmud speculates they prophesied about the Messianic Age]. This brings the count to Seventy-two.
Edited by - David Merrill on 03 Jan 2004 15:48:36 |
Advanced Member
762 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jan 2004 : 17:17:25
Greetings In His name, Yehoshua,
Writting of mathematics, here are some numbers indicating the prophecy to wit: "There will be a time where women will use the children to oppress man." Below, was just one little article concerning THE WORK FORCE, etc..
Come to think of it, most "fights" among man, happen due to a woman in between.
I understand that when prophets speak of the great whore, it is understood to be a nation/government, but to see what has been happening, that GREAT WHORE is riding on the BEAST.
This is in no way "anti wo-man" or any of the concocted propaganda schemes as "anti-semetic" etc..., but it does fall in line with the painting Michael Angelo was commissioned to paint on the Eviction of Adam and Eve from Eden, whereby the SERPENT was portraid as a woman, "save her tail."
On another notice... what significance does the word sisteen (from the Sisteen Chapel), have to do with any of this?
In Him, I am, Manuel
Edited by - Manuel on 03 Jan 2004 17:20:01 |
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jan 2004 : 01:29:36
[From 2003 Brittanica] Sistine Chapel. Papal chapel in the Vatican Palace, Rome, constructed 1473-81 by Giovanni dei Dolci for Pope Sixtus IV (for whom it is named).
It is the site of the principal papal ceremonies. Its exterior is drab and unadorned, but its interior walls and ceiling are decorated with frescoes by Florentine Renaissance masters, including Perugino, Pinturicchio, Sandro Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandaio, and Luca Signorelli. Portions of the walls were once covered with tapestries designed by Raphael (1515-19). The most important works are the frescoes by Michelangelo on the ceiling and the western wall behind the altar, considered among the greatest achievements of Western painting. The ceilingfrescoes, depicting Old Testament scenes, were commissioned by Pope Julius II and painted 1508-12; the Last Judgment fresco on the western wall was painted 1536-41 for Pope Paul III. A controversial 10-year cleaning and restoration of the ceiling was completed in 1989, and of the western wall in 1994.
In looking for information, I bumped into Sisera (Judges 4:4-24)... "Edwin Arlington Robinson's "Sisera" makes him the victim of a woman he knew and already was attracted to; the manner of his death is made the action of a psychologically complex femme fatale..." p. 717 A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature by David Lyle Jeffrey.
Seemed kind of appropriate albeit not directly related.
David Merrill.
P.S. Thanks for mentioning the "Hey" for the authority (by God's Grace) for AbraHam to become progenitor of the Israelites to be the fifth letter, Five. That is coherent with my understanding of the numero-linguistic interface (Veil) or DEBAR being both "Word" and "Thing" in Hebrew. God is said to "speak" the universe into existence. I had not noticed this before.
Edited by - David Merrill on 04 Jan 2004 10:17:41 |
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jan 2004 : 19:59:48
Walter said:
"I, for one, don't quite know enough to comprehend what you are getting to. I will need a bit more hand-holding before I pick up on the significance of what you're saying."
It is something that crossed my mind last week. Long ago a book came out of Israel called the Sepher Yesirah; The Book of Creation (inaccurate though Sepher Bere****h (I must mean Bereshooth) would be Book of Creation) more accurately the Book of Emanations. Probably written around 200 AD the rabbis like to date it back to Abraham as the author; stuff like that. But it shows some of the first intuitive stabs at physics and chemistry by establishing albeit speculative, correlations between the twenty-two stamina (consenants) and ten digits and the physical universe. Patterns and consistencies.
Recently Isaac Mozeson wrote The Word; The Dictionary that Reveals the Hebrew Source of English and I have a copy. Now Mozeson shows some amazing things about language originating from a hardwired substrate origin of Hebrew. Then Joshua Ben started the Edenics Genome Project and is collaborating with Mozeson on a subsequent book; kind of a rule book for establishing good Edenics from poor Edenics. You may help edit chapters of the new work by requesting to from Joshua Ben;
David Merrill.
Edited by - David Merrill on 05 Jan 2004 08:54:02 |
Advanced Member
144 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jan 2004 : 10:01:47
quote: Originally posted by Robert-James
I was taught that the hebrew letter H represented 5, five {5} being a code for what we call Grace. Grace...H, was added to Abram and Sari's name, regarding their parts to play in bringing forth the promised son.
As recorded at Genesis 17:5, Abram's name is changed to Abraham, the orginal Hebrew being aleph-beth-resh-mem and aleph-beth-resh-he-mem, respectively. Likewise at Genesis 17:15, shiyn-resh-yod (Sarai) becomes shiyn-resh-he (Sarah).
As I hold a different view of the Hebrew alphabet, I interpret Abr(e)m (with an implied 'e') to have become Abr(e)em (with an additional 'e'). And that 'e' signifies God's.. (excuse me).. IAUE's breath of life and provision for "Abraham." Likewise, Sh(e)ri (with an implied 'e; also perhaps S(e)ri) becomes Sh(e)re. She lost the'i' (yod), signifying choice - her choices and a do-as-she-pleases mentality - being replaced by the 'e.' I also place the he ('e') as the seventh letter and the yod ('i') as the fifth, fwiw.
In the Septuagent (from 70, but if you read the story about them there were actually 72) - and transliterating the greek letters - Abram becomes Abraam, and Sara becomes Sarra. You will note that Abraam parallels my interpretation of Abr(e)em, but that Sarra is different altogether.
I know I hold a different interpretation of the alphabet, as I also order it differently, but then I don't trust the modern, currently accepted authorities on the language. |
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jan 2004 : 15:32:48
Courtesy of Lewish, I have added graphics to the opening letter on this thread. Thanks again Lewis.
David Merrill.
P.S. I will spice up the 'saving to suitors' forum with graphics. Including a great Verified Statement of Right photo album.
Edited by - David Merrill on 07 Jan 2004 18:55:31 |
Advanced Member
144 Posts |
Posted - 07 Jan 2004 : 21:37:59
quote: P.S. I will spice up the 'saving to suitors' forum with graphics. Including a great Verified Statement of Right photo album.
Not everyone may have a Yahoo account. Is there a way to post it elsewhere, even on
I don't know by the name 'Sumarian Ostraca' what the Hebrew letters look like, but are those similar to these: ??
Also, I've noticed you've editted your post - being the last one in this thread till now - rather than adding a new one. This (obviously) removes your prior comments from being read by late-comers. Did you intent that?
Walter |
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jan 2004 : 06:02:10
I am kind of a neatnik. If I can save the space I will. Also it seems efficient that if I said something and maybe feel differently later that I can change it. If it takes a few days for anybody to reply I begin to consider what I said may be off or boring.
Yes indeed; that alphabet is very close if not identical. The Hebrew alphabet did not change all that much for a long time. Then modern Hebrew which I hear was due to the Babylonian captivity. See Alphabet in Encyclopedia Judaica to chart age and style.
I think you sign up for Yahoo downloads when you get there. It looks free. But since I am generating the pictures, I did not sign in.
David Merrill.
P.S. I have been linking to Yahoo to "SavingtoSuitors" plural when the link is "SavingtoSuitor" singular. I cleaned up after myself but let me know if I missed any.
Edited by - David Merrill on 08 Jan 2004 11:06:51 |
Advanced Member
144 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jan 2004 : 13:30:04
quote: Originally posted by David Merrill
Yes indeed; that alphabet is very close if not identical. ... Then modern Hebrew which I hear was due to the Babylonian captivity.
The old symbols have been found on artifacts and coins dating to the time of Christ on Earth. The modern symbols probably originated in Babylon, but from what I can tell, did not become the 'standard' until the seventh or eightth century. Upon being introduced to the originals several years ago, I began to perceive their meanings and that various parts of the Bible are laid out according to their symbolism. That's when I discovered that the order of the alphabet had been changed. I also realized that another "font," the Nabatean, was a stepping stone from the 'paleo' to the modern, and that they all contain symbolism. The paleo symbols are honoring to God and Christ, while that latter two are perverse. An example being the lamed: in the paleo it is a shepherd's crook signifying (among other things) guiding of sheep, but in the modern it is a scythe with which to cut down and wound.
Walter |
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jan 2004 : 19:44:56
I have suspected so much. Jerusalem held to the older, truer fonts for much longer than the Jews in Babylon. But then the captors would want to undermine communications by changing the alphabet; things like that.
Also I read one book about the Hebrew alphabet and the symbols were such. Then the Sepher Yesirah has a completely unrelated construction. Several Psalms are traditionally numbered but no correlation. You can take Strong's and get the meaning of each consonant from the lexicon.
David Merrill.
Advanced Member
144 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jan 2004 : 09:30:45
The links to your files are bad because the semi-colon (';') got picked up in the URL. Also, the bandwidth has been exceeded so none of the files are accessible. Can you place them somewhere else? |
Advanced Member
496 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jan 2004 : 13:46:38
I am the one who has put the files on a server. There have been about 350 attempted accesses to the server where the files are. This has far exceeded the allowable bandwidth. Please give it a day or so to settle down, and then you shouldn't have any problem with access.
Lewis |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jan 2004 : 16:22:01
Greetings all. E.W. Bullinger published "Number In Scripture" in 1894. Ivan Panin wrote booklets such as Inspiration of the Hebrew Scriptures Scientifically Demonstrated, in the 1920's. Both used the "accepted" numerics for hebrew and greek letters. Panin was a genuis level mathamatician, and an athiest, till he found the written scriptures to be literally alive with mathamatic structure in the lettering...far beyond the ability of men. Bullinger is a must read for those interested in numeric/scripture re-search. 153, your brother, Robert. Remember...don't fix it if it ain't broke. |
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jul 2004 : 20:06:05
Dear Readers;
It has been a while since I wandered over here. Stripped from a very flattering PM:quote: Could you please elucidate and elaborate on the significance and operational use of the 216 letter symbols?
Now I may have said some of these things a while ago, here or on other threads, so forgive any repetition.
First I am presuming you found the movie by Darren Aronofsky “Pi – Faith in Chaos” a captivating venture into Qabbalah and maybe even the Stock Market as an organism fueled by human fear and greed. So I will start with that. The anthropomorphism of God in the Sepherotic Tree (Tree of Life) is truly based in emotive forces. Up at the top we have (in the three Sepherot) DAAT or roughly translated conscious comprehension. Below that we get into emotions and descend into lower vibratory descriptions near the bottom of the tree. So it is not surprising that Aronofsky, raised Jewish and after spending some time with Israeli Chassidim (who he eventually decided he did not agree with. There are extensive notes and alternate soundtracks on the DVD.) was able to correlate the Stock Market and Qabbalah in an entertaining movie.
When I first got hold of Pi on VHS videotape, I about wigged. I paused on Saul’s notes, after the second stroke, where he formulated the 216-fold Name for Max. The VHS jittered so badly I thought I saw Sumarian Ostraca (800 BC Paleo-Hebrew) because the pause jittered so badly. But that fluke as it was (it turned out on the DVD I could see traditional numbers) got me thinking. Suppose the rabbis really are hot after this extensive pronunciation of the Name. Even at Christ’s time the coins show the Paleo-Hebrew font. So the Modern Hebrew is exactly that, Modern. Also the modern Hebrew has added five “finals”, variations of letters when used as the last letter of a word to accommodate a “1000” based logarithmic number system. So I thought Aronofsky was telling me, in my insightful pausing and examination, that he knew one had to revert to the “400” based numerical alphabet to get the numbering correct.
Anyway if you read about my applications over at “advanced-resonance inductive plasma physics” and other threads, mathematics to me is just the study of mental objects with reproducible properties; adopted from Reuben Hersh – “What is Mathematics, Really?” p. 66. So I seem to have unwittingly abused my graphics privileges there because of a bad email address that was not receiving warnings for me. If I had not become impatient and blurted, we would probably be able to pick that thread up. But I think that is really where I was getting into “significance and operational use of the 216 letter symbols”. Healing disease; causing institutions of government to abide by law etc; symptoms of the Messianic Age,the kingdom of heaven on earth. Otherwise TIKKUN (Restoration) in anthology. See the timeline there. The "Schedule A: 'Cracking the Code'" thread has a lot of application in law (avoidance). But the real gist for this thread is the 216-fold Name comes from Exodus 14:19-21. The rabbis noticed each verse is 72 letters long. 72 x 3 = 216. Also 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 and this may have significance with the true number of the Beast, Man or Antichrist of the Book of Revelation*.
Now the ancient concept of the Solar Year is 360 days. An ancient symbol of David, Solomon and Jerusalem is the pentagram.
Dictionary of Symbols: "hexagram"
Dictionary of Symbols "pentagram"
The pentagram is 5 and 360/5 = 72. The pentagram has intersections at 61.55% the length of each segment and this is the Fibonacci Sequence in the movie Pi. So I really wish I had a better way to express the feeling of awe than to point out the mathematics, but I just feel English fails me.
David Merrill.
* I have made clear that I think John was expounding traditional dual messiah Judaism of that time which is still strong today. Christian deification and protectionism of that doctrine (Pogroms) have resulted in a backlash so that Jews do not understand what time it is according to Jacob/Israel’s prophecy. Genesis 49:10 specifically. I expound on this over at "Schedule A:'Cracking the Code'". |
Edited by - David Merrill on 04 Jul 2004 15:17:27 |
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jul 2004 : 10:29:55
Dear Robert James;
You use a number like a blessing or salutation:quote: 153, your brother, Robert.
Even 153 fits into the idea of 5 - the ancient symbol for Jerusalem. It is the first Cube Sum Number Lock after 1.
Cube the digits and add together. It returns to 153. 1, 153, 370, 371, and 407 are the only numbers that do this. Almost any number you can think of redacts by the same method to one of these five Locks. A hidden subset of 5.
Fermat's Last Theorem Link
David Merrill |
Edited by - David Merrill on 03 Jul 2004 13:22:07 |
Advanced Member
353 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jul 2004 : 16:31:27
Dear David, thank's for the input. I use # 153 relative to John 21 and the fishes caught, on the righthand side. Benyamin numerically in hebrew is 152. {plus the One]. sons of elohim in hebrew is 153 numerically. {Job ch. 1 and 2}Christianity has fished all night, and caught nothing. Now if we went fishing together and someone asked us how many fish we caught, the normal response would be, "about 150". And the letter from John is so specific that exactly 153 fishes were caught. So inquiring mind's the past 17 centuries have known...something is being said here. Just what is being said, well, I have read many opinions, from saint Augie to Bullinger, to Eldon Purvis. Those of us coming into a Right Standing at Law, Being the sons of The Most High, and saying so, acting so, and becoming so, in this new age age of Aquarius, dawning upon all, like it or not, are becoming aware of another level of scripture which, so far, has not been disclosed, as Daniel stated, should be excited, and willing to venture into the previous unknown. I saw Pi-the movie, with BatKol a few years ago, and we both went kinda, whew, what did we just see? The pyramid of Giza has both phi and pi built into it. And the number 153 {pyramid inches and cubits} is also predominant. I am lousy at geometry, but have a capacity to behold number's. Isaiah 19:19-20...the numeric's of the letters equals 5449, which is the height of the Giza pyramid!...without the Chief Capstone. Number's-sign's-symbol's speak, as you well know. I have noticed you call NOT yourself a Christian. I take no offense with this, as per Dictionary defination, neither am I. The covenants were and are made with and to the House of Judah/Israel. I can find no covenant with the house of Christian. {Bet the pope could...giggle}. BTW, H and 5 are the same. When the capstone set's, the six sided pyramid will become five pointed. Now, I ask mathematically, " is a point a figure"? I don't think so. is a fine web site. Not for number's, but for seeing that even Askennazi JEWS can come into further light. Peace, Neighbor. |
David Merrill
Advanced Member
1147 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jul 2004 : 22:24:45
Dear Robert James;
I find it interesting that practical measurement with a CD on paper reveals Pi to be much closer to the Biblical accounting of 22 Hebrew consonants divided by 7, the Week.
There is a convincing inference to five being the correction of the calendar. "Nazarene Gospels Restored" by Robert Graves and Joshua Podro. The traditional 360 day solar calendar of Babylonia is incorrect by 5 1/4 days.
David Merrill.
Edited by - David Merrill on 05 Jul 2004 10:29:57 |
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