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Posted - 10 Feb 2003 :  19:13:31  Show Profile  Visit berkano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I live in Pocatello, Idaho. I have many skills, from farming, to accounting, to managing an office, Internet development and programming, networking, and I have experience with many types of work.

Recently I was very moved to sever myself completely from Caesar's system. I was working my job, going to school, and paying taxes like a "good little citizen." I realized that if I wanted to get anywhere in the rat race, I would have to compromise not some, but ALL of what I believe in. I believe that God, not men, has exclusive jurisdiction. I believe that men are answerable only to God for the use of their property and stewardship over earthly things. By being in the system, I was of the system. By accepting any benefit whatsoever, or allowing any right to be converted into a privilege, I felt that I was giving authority to men that belongs only between me and my Creator. It is impossible for me to not be in the world, but to be of the world requires nothing more than a signature.

I told my employer to report all zeros on their w-2 forms, and the employer refused. Therefore, I quit my job, and have set about finding a way to make money without using an SSN or filling out tax forms that bind my allegiance to the state. The hardest part so far, is I can't find anyone who will hire me to work without going through this revoking of my rights to keep my wages and give the firstfruits to God.

I have been searching the Internet for many months trying to find fellowship with people who do not live as slaves to the "system," but nobody can point out to me a place or someone to contact who could help me find honest, hard work to keep myself from perishing for want of basic necessities. Am I going to have to live like an animal to remain free?

I have $200 cash left of my savings. After that I will be broke, unable to pay rent, buy food, or wash my laundry. I am still trying to find work, but all the so-called born-again and other Christians still demand government ID, signatures on w-4s, and complete obedience to the beast, or no job for me. I would rather die than accept the benefit of the corruption of Caesar and his requirements for numbers.

Where can a mensch in my situation find gainful employment? Where can I find people who think that freedom is more important than life itself? I sure would like some helpful information before I have to sell everything I own and move into the woods and live off fish and weeds. Any ideas?

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Posted - 11 Feb 2003 :  04:30:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

You are to be lauded for the pureness of your Spirit. ALL "Good and Lawful Christians" desperately want the FREEDOM to follow the path that their Creator has laid out for them. The mind, and heart, and spirit is OUTRAGED by the unjust, corrupt actions of the ABOMINATION called, "government." Unfortunately, this Abomination has such great influence, that the minds of most "citizens" are bent toward active compliance with its dark will. So at every turn, we are intimidated to follow in the footsteps of Darkness.

We are ALL slaves to The System in one degree or another. But what makes us different, is that we slaves are actively working toward our freedom. However, we must have patience! We did not fall into our slavery overnight; neither will our freedom come quickly. UNDERSTAND that this is all part of THE PLAN. The Plan that Our Creator has for us.

So the MOST IMPORTANT thing is to have PATIENCE. We must not act foolishly because of our outrage. No -- we must not sacrifice our life just to ESCAPE from the Dark Influence. That is exactly what The System would like us to do. It would also be evidence that we did not have the strength to overcome our own impatience, nor the wisdom to FOLLOW THE WAY OUT. For you see -- THE WAY OUT is there, has always been there, and will always be there. It is only our blindness that prevents us from truly SEEING.

The Master said, "Seek and ye shall find." He did not say HOW to seek. He did not say WHERE to seek. He did not say HOW LONG to seek. Just SEEK! The very act of totally surrendering our mind and heart and spirit in search of The Answer, puts us in the frame of mind to RECEIVE it. We cannot receive HIS answer, if we fill our minds with our own answers.

You have put yourself in a very vulnerable position, just because you have some concept of not being "numbered." I do not care if I am numbered. That is not important to me -- only that in the end, I be "numbered among the elect." So it is OK to work as a slave for awhile. It is OK to be numbered. It is OK to work for Caesar -- knowing full well that you are supporting his corrupt system. BUT it is OK -- ONLY if you DO NOT RESENT it! For then you allow Caesar's darkness to enter you. The very act of SEEKING – of constantly focussing your mind on the Higher Reality – prevents you from getting caught up in worldly things. This is the secret of “Being in the world, but not of it.”

Our Creator does not ask the impossible. If it takes awhile to break free, then so be it. Work for awhile. Save your money. Plan your escape. Then DO IT! Just put one foot in front of the other, and the journey will advance in no time. Doors will open. Walk through them. The important thing is -- to nurture the Spirit of SEEKING. So long as your mind is set on that Sacred Path, everything else must follow. Circumstances will fall into place. Your faith is being tested here. How much abuse can you tolerate? Do you have a fragile EGO? Too bad. You are doomed. For the EGO is the property of The Dark One. Only the SOUL comes from the realm of LIGHT. So it is a constant battle between the two.

Job was tested severely. More severely than 100 men ever will be in a lifetime. But his FAITH showed him the way out, and got him through the trials. So his reward was assured by his FAITH. The ONLY variable was TIME. But time is nothing -- if your Spirit learns to constantly live in ETERNITY.

Be Well,
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Posted - 11 Feb 2003 :  05:49:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

If you are doing what the Father has lead you to do, and not simply what a rebellious impulse lead you to do, then He will provide for you. You are on the right track, but we must always re-evaluate our motives. God will use police officers, poverty and other unpleasant experiences to get our attention when we are too confident in our own strength, knowledge or rightness. He has certainly humbled me at times, yet provided all my needs as well.

Today I face a situation very similar to yours, yet I feel no urgency to find a job because God has not guided that way. However, I am open to doing any work He leads me to, and to living in whatever situation He provides. So far this has seldom been what I thought it would be.

Rather than look for a permanent work situation, you may be able to find temporary work that requires no forms and pays in cash. Even better, put yourself in the position of a service provider rather than a worker/employee. When people pay for services they ask for no ID numbers or signatures as a rule. If they need a receipt, simply provide one with a non-registered company name.

Read the links on this web site. There are some groups out there to fellowship with and there is valuable information that will help you decide how best to move forward. There is no doubt that God will honor your desire to live in His kingdom and separate from the world. However, we must not box Him in with expectations of what His kingdom should look like for us. As His children, we must first travel through the wilderness before we can arrive at that "land flowing with milk and honey."
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Posted - 11 Feb 2003 :  14:22:54  Show Profile  Visit berkano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Doer and Caleb,

Thanks for your insight and advice on this matter. I think you have helped me to see the situation a little more objectively than before, although I am still trying to work through confusion on many matters.

My decision was not made out of an impulse to rebel, for sure. I have been patiently seeking a way out for several years, but was not finding what I hoped for. I realize the truth that what may come may not be what I expect, so I am just hoping that I am open to what does come. I had a constant burning inside me almost every waking moment to stop accepting any type of benefit from the current system, and rely on faith that God will provide what I need. I have to say, more often than not, what I need is very different from what I think I need, and this frustrates me. I had always hoped that if I did what seemed right instead of what seems easy, then doing right would be easy--reality check!

It seems that most of what I have done in my life was to serve my own ends. It became commonplace to ignore all the nagging innner motivation to do things that appeared to place a little hardship or uncertainty on myself. I now think that material uncertainty (the uncertainty of whether or not I will have money to pay the bills) is a wholly different animal than spiritual uncertainty (knowing that God will lead me where I need to go, when I need to go). But being raised without the truth, it is often hard for me to make the distinction.

I wanted to file lawsuits against the government for various rights that are violated, but I am thinking that it is more important for me to spend time fasting and praying for my own salvation before I take up some cause that I don't fully understand. What would you do? If I go the legal route, I will spend all my waking moments reading the laws and drafting pleadings, whereas instead I could be cultivating inner tranquility and reading the scriptures and talking with friends and family about things of the spirit.

Recently I was offered a job making an ENORMOUS amount of money, but I am loathe to take it because I will have to do it Caesar's way and neglect some personal things which I consider very important. Plus, the job is a 24-7 affair with absolutely no personal time for reading and fellowship with other people. This quiet voice tells me not to follow the money, but my reason tells me that a six-figure income can surely buy a lot of freedom. Decisions, decisions . . .

I will follow the advice to try finding work by offering my services instead of the usual route of submitting resumes and applications. I figure that thirty days is likely to net something. If not, there is that job I mentioned waiting on the back burner, or maybe God will throw something unexpected my way.

I really don't care about money at all. If my survival didn't depend on it, I would stay as aloof of riches as possible. I fear that I would turn into a tyrant and moron like so many other people do when they are blessed with a lot of money. I don't want to be blinded because the system can make pecuniary life so easy and neatly ordered.

What scares me most is my own ignorance. What I think is right today may be proven wrong tomorrow. I know God can work through the ignorant and powerless, but I find it hard to be satisfied without some evidence that things will turn out OK for me. Then I am reminded that the evidence bled on a cross two thousand years ago.

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Posted - 11 Feb 2003 :  15:49:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

You are blessed with a wonderful Spirit! All that doubting that makes you insecure is EXACTLY what it is all about. You need not look much further -- because you are already at the doorstep. Just keep doing what you are doing. Always questioning your motives. Always SEEKING for answers. To be in a state of total uncertainty is where it's at. The only certainty you need is your FAITH.

Material uncertainty and Spiritual uncertainty go hand-in-hand. The material is only a reflection of the Spiritual. So the material is an indication of your Spiritual state of mind. Look around you. Is your house in order -- or in disorder? So it only reflects the state of your mind.

As for filing lawsuits against the government -- REMEMBER that you are doing battle with Satan, in Satan's own court, using Satan's own "law." How can you expect to win, when Satan changes the rules at his whim? IMPOSSIBLE! True LAW is ORDER. True LAW is JUSTICE. Where is the order and justice in the present system? The only "justice" is had by those who can buy it, such as OJ Simpson. Or those that can purchase their own tax exemption. So have NOTHING to do with STATUTORY "law." Because it is LAWLESS. The place to be is in COMMON LAW. It will protect you and nurture you. This WebSite has excellent resources to bone up on the details. Another good resource is "Matters concerning His Lawful assembly" at It is bare-bones, so search for "Book of the Hundreds." This is a phenomenal work. The more you search, the more resources you will come upon. It is a life's work.

As for doing the six-figure thing, sometimes it is necessary to take a step back, before taking two steps forward. On the other hand, there is an ancient Chinese saying, "Do what you enjoy, and you will never work a day in your life." As always, if you just wait for the answer on this, IT WILL COME. So how much patience do you have?

Be Well,

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Posted - 12 Feb 2003 :  06:54:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Brother Berkano,

Here is some more to ponder as you seek which path our Father would have you take as your next step. The first thing is to get clear in your mind what the final objective is. Most "Christians" think their role in this world is to acquire enough wealth, power or influence to change some piece of the world for the better. This is an incredibly appealing lie. The call is for us to "come out and be separate" from the world. You have felt this call strongly even if you didn't know why at first. I lived my comfortable Christian life for years without knowing why I could never shake a deep sense of unease with my situation.

If we are called out of one thing, we must enter into another, so what is that "other"? "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Christians waste their energy building the kingdom of this world because they cannot see the kingdom they are supposed to be building. Here's the good news: you don't need any power, money or influence to build God's kingdom. Yahshua (Jesus) called fishermen, for they had all the necessary skills to become "fishers of men". No wealth, nor status and probably none of the world's education at all.

Your desire to file lawsuits against the government is an urge we all share when we see how they trample God's truth and justice. However, in the end it is just another vain attempt to "fix" the kingdom of this world. Some people have some success in this arena, but the odds are stacked heavily against you. The judge is paid by the same folks you will be suing. Save your energies on this one. Just read the gospels and Acts and see how little Yahshua and the apostles had to do with worldly government. Then for consolation, read Revelation 18 to see what the fate of these worldly governments will soon be - without a single lawsuit filed on your part!

Now here is a completely different perspective on the total corruption you find in this world's system: for us it is a good thing! Think about it for a moment. If this world was good, what would drive us to seek something better? If this world could be "fixed" what need would we have for God's kingdom? The worse the world becomes, the stronger our witness is if we are living separately. So do not try to fix anything or right any wrongs (regarding the world). Use all the wrongs to point others to the only real source of truth, righteousness and justice.

Now it may or may not be God's time for you to make a complete break from the world's system. If it is, God will not let you re-enter even if you try. But seek earnestly for as long as necessary until you are sure of His way forward. In my own journey out of the world, I had a rather unpleasant experience which showed that I had gotten a bit ahead of God in my zeal to exit the matrix. He used the experience to show me my mistake, but then He would not let me go back and do things in the "right" order. Instead, after many weeks of uncertainty, He made it clear that I was simply to move forward and trust Him to protect me from any further consequences of my mistake. So far He has protected me fully.

So maybe you quit your job too soon, but then maybe our Father will not allow you to "go back" either. He will reveal this to you at the proper time. Maybe, as Doer said, you will have to take one step back before the next steps forward. Another web site full of helpful information is Read especially the article titled "Exercising Your Duty Of Movement On The Common Ways". This may be an issue you have not yet considered, but the article covers many issues regarding how the system entraps us that apply to employment as well. Should you re-enter the system for a time, you can at least know how to minimize their hold on you during your stay.

In determining whether God has a use for you earning a six-figure salary, spend time seeking exactly how He would have you use this money. Maybe you have debts that need to be settled so that you are out from that bondage. Maybe you need to own your own house with some land so you can be self-sufficient. Objectives like these give a clear goal that indicates when the need for the high salary has ended. On the other hand, maybe you have already planned wisely and instead are to help other brothers get out from under their debt or buy houses so they, too can exit the world's system. These are the kinds of things I would pray about when seeking whether to take the job you mentioned. If the purpose is just to keep gas in the car and food on the table, I would not consider that job at all.

Here are some practical tips that will help you compromise as little as possible if you do become an "employee" again. This is a poor long-term strategy as it does not take you out of the world's system. You are still playing with fire, but now have some protection from the chance of getting burned.
1) Close all bank accounts, stock accounts, credit cards, etc. When you signed up for these you agreed to be taxed. Federal judges throw people behind bars for breach of contract (albeit a hidden one), not because the income tax is constitutional.
2) If your employer insists on paying you by check, sign the check over to a coin dealer and take payment in "lawful money". Read the post on "The REAL value of gold and silver coins" on these forums. Deal only in coin and cash so you leave no paper trail. Buy items of lasting value (such as a car or house) only with lawful money. Federal Reserve Notes do not extinguish a debt.
3) Never give anyone a Social Security number. When asked for it on the W-2, inform them that the tax code does not require it, which is true. If they insist, you can look up the exact reference so that they are arguing with the U.S. tax code, and not you. I am told by those who should know, that without an SSN the IRS cannot create a computer record of your "income". Without such a record, they cannot iniate any action against you. On the W-2 put enough deductions so that your withholding is minimal or zero. Do not claim EXEMPT. You can give your employer warm fuzzies by at first claiming only a few deductions more than normal. After a few months of having taxes withheld, raise the number of deduction to lower your withholding to zero. If your employer questions this, say "I done a preliminary calculation, and I've already got enough withheld to cover all my taxes for this year." This is true, as you do not owe a single penny in income taxes. At the end of the year, DO NOT send a 1040 in to the IRS, as this will serve to open a file on you that previously did not exist(due to the absence of the SSN). I believe that without an SSN your employer will also not be able to withhold any Social Security tax. Make it clear that you are voluntarily electing not to participate in this wonderful government benefit.
4) For anyone else who wants an SSN on you, respond with the truth, which is that you do not have one. All government issued papers and numbers, such as a passport, driver's license and Social Security Card are still the property of the government and usually state so explicitly. You own none of them, so they are not "yours".
5) For a name, give only your first and middle names, never spelled in all capital letters. Even better, give your nickname as your first name on all forms. Any name that people regularly call you is acceptable in law, so you are not lying. There is a fellow in my neck of the woods whose name on all government documents is "The Wizard". You are simply making it harder for government computers to connect you with your old identity from when you were still a full participant in their system. When asked by someone what your name is, reply "you may call me ..." A last name belongs to your family, not you. If a form has a specific place for a last name, simply scratch out the words "last name" and write your middle name. It is not your problem how someone enters this into a computer.
6) For an address, use one that you will not be at for the long term. Ideally you could use your work address as your main and only address on any form, even your work forms. This way, the day you quit the job and leave the system for good, the address goes away as well. An address is critically important to the system when they want to prove that you are one of theirs.
7) For a birthday, the best answer is "I don't remember", which all of us can say truthfully. However, when required on a form, use a date approximately 9 months before the date on your government issued birth certificate. Never apply for any documents that require you to show your birth certificate, nor use that "official" date on any forms ever again. It is as bad as using an SSN. One extra twist is to put your "new" birthdate in international format with the day first, then the month. None of these is dishonest, for you are merely affirming when life begins and starting early to use "their" New World Order scheme for writing dates.

This list covers the major snares the system uses to identify you as one of their own. You will be walking a fine line, so the more you read the more you will know how to be honest and consistent in doing this. You will still be compromising any time you have to sign your name (because you swear an oath), even though it is not a name readily identifiable by the government. As your understanding grows you will be able to see the final goal and chart a course to reach it. Many here, such as myself, are still working our way "out of the woods". Others have already exited fully. We have all had to seek our own way out, yet have received help from others along that way. The above tips are not to convince you that taking another job is OK, only to help if God leads you to do so.
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Posted - 12 Feb 2003 :  17:38:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

This is all excellent advice -- especially the part about praying for guidance. This alone, I have found, will get us out of any evil situation and back on The Path.

Why not file "EXEMPT" on the W-2? I have been doing it for years, and only receive an occasional "love letter" from some faceless bureaucrat. My reply (asking for specific statutes making me liable -- because there are none) has so far ended any further correspondence for the last two years.

The only point in this discussion that I feel needs emphasis (besides the continual seeking in humility) is that legal answers are in the Common Law, and NEVER in Statutory Law. Caleb, you have brought out this point in the wonderful, specific advice that you give, but even more do we need resources to find our own answers.

Be Well,
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Posted - 12 Feb 2003 :  20:03:32  Show Profile  Visit berkano's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I want to thank you again for all the great advice you have offered. I have looked into the issue of refraining from doing anything that allows the government to identify, tag, or track me, and it all seems very useful and reasonable in my situation. I know of one man who works under the table and has not filled out ANY tax paperwork at all, and maybe I can find something like that for the interim as I pray and hope for guidance on what to do.

I was raised in the "backwoods," and I was brought up learning how to survive entirely off the land without any need for technology. I did lots of camping, but not necessarily for religious reasons. One of my "survivalist" acquaintances suggested that maybe I should take a hiatus in a remote area where there are no people, and do some fasting and praying, since it wouldn't be a hard thing for me to do. What do you think? Is there scriptural merit in the idea that a long "sabbatical" of fasting and praying away from people will help me tune in to God's will? Some people have suggested this to me, and others tell me it is insane and a waste of time. It sounds intriguing; yet, I don't want to do anything that is not going to bring me closer to knowing and doing what is right in God's eyes, even if it is relaxing and fun. Would doing something like this for a few weeks seem like overkill? If anything, I know I would enjoy a few weeks away from all the noise and bustle here in town.

I asked my immediate family about this, and they all supported the idea, even though they are not what one might consider religious or Christian by any definition of the word. Thus I figure it would be good to ask some who are more experienced with these types of situations.

When I read the suggestion that one can't fix Satan's system by using Satan's rules, that made perfect sense to me. Plus, if I went about litigating with everyone who refused to hire me without a Socialist Security Number, it would probably put a big red flag and target on my head, and "inspire" the government to investigate me. If someone says "no," perhaps it would be wiser for me to just go on to the next until I find one that says "yes?"

I was reading some of the info on, and the webmaster suggested that it is a Christian duty to raise a ruckus about the unconstitutional tax laws, and litigate against the government agencies that violate people's rights. Although one might win some of this litigation, is anything really won at all? Is any ground gained just because some peon beat the IRS in one court case? It seems to me that win or loose, by bringing a case to one of Caesar's courts, I am once again offering the system to extend its unlawful jurisdiction over me. How can I make sense out of that? Wouldn't it be a Christian's duty just to point people to Christ? I don't see how that can be done in Caesar's court.

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Posted - 12 Feb 2003 :  22:03:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Berkano. Many are being choosen to seek and find Zion. For out of Zion shall come saviours and judge the Mt. of Easu....and the Kingdom shall be YHWH's. Are you the One? Only you can answer that. John Bunyon spent 12 years in jail for not getting a license to preach! Sacrifice is required for those who are choosen {the elect}. Yahushua is the model Son. Now what did it cost Him? But who can drink of the cup. Very few are offered the cup. All men of wisdom in scripture were set-apart {holy}. The Children of the Kingdom are not required to file 1040 forms, or have licenses. So says the Law of scripture, and IF one looks hard enough, so says man's laws. Romans 8:29....Yahushua was the firstborn among many brethern. Where is Benyamin!!! Is psalm 40 also talking to you? Smile, Father has the hairs on your head counted.
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Posted - 12 Feb 2003 :  23:46:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Standing up for your God-given rights AUTOMATICALLY raises a red flag and paints a target on you. This is nothing new. In the "old days," The People had total control of the government, and so the government feared The People. Today it is turned around. The "sheeple" now fear the government, because they are afraid to take a stand. So is it any surprise that the "government" has almost total control?

It is indeed, “a Christian duty to raise a ruckus about the unconstitutional laws,” but not necessarily to, “litigate against the government agencies that violate people's rights.“ We must remember the old saying, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.”

But you clearly understand the obvious Principle that, “One can't fix Satan's system by using Satan's rules.” So why even TRY to “fix Satan’s System?” It is broken beyond repair, and to associate yourself with it will get you broken, as well. Its ONLY FUNCTION is to suck us in, to be broken. So you are very right in saying, “By bringing a case to one of Caesar's courts, I am once again offering the system to extend its unlawful jurisdiction over me.”

I hate to keep repeating myself, but -- THE ONLY WAY TO REALLY WIN, is to USE GOD’S RULES. For you KNOW that Satan most of all, is REQUIRED to obey God’s Rules. And GOD’S RULES are reflected in the Common Law.

The Common Law predates, sustains and antecedes statutory “law.” Statutory “law” is really no LAW at all. LAW is ORDER. LAW is JUSTICE. Statutory “law” is a mish-mash of special rules written for special interests. There is NO order. There is NO justice -- not as honest men of faith understand it, anyway. That is why it is written in a DEAD LANGUAGE (Latin) – to keep us confused and in need of “the authorities” to interpret it. That is why there is so much litigation today – because all the conflicting “laws” need to be sorted out in the courts.

Understand that, THE LAW is known to EVERYONE. Every Living Soul has it written on their hearts. LAW, after all, is for the lawless. Honest men of faith ALREADY KNOW that murder is wrong. That robbery is wrong. That ANYTHING which goes against their good CONSCIENCE is wrong.

But to end this rambling . . . .
Understanding the Common Law is essential for keeping your sanity. It not only makes Common Sense, and it is readily understood –- unlike the deliberately obscured “statutes.” Furthermore, it will protect you –- SO LONG AS YOU KNOW THE LETTER OF THE LAW. For if The System holds you to anything –- it hold you to the LETTER of the LAW. And if you cannot rebut THEIR accusations with your own understanding of THE LAW (the REAL Law), then they will crucify you! And they use really BIG NAILS!

Be Well,
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Posted - 13 Feb 2003 :  03:36:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Forty days in the wilderness praying and fasting sounds like a great idea. Anyone who suggested it is a bad one obviously thinks the major characters of scripture set very bad examples for us. But that is modern religion for you.

Actually, you will probably find your head starting to clear after only one day away. Three will be life changing, and after forty days you just may come back a completely new man. Be prepared to have your family and friends not recognize you.

The world will tell you that there is lots of work to do that can't possibly wait. But God's priorities are quite different. See Luke 10:38-42. You can't go wrong putting your savior's priorities first.

Don't forget to bring your King Jimmy with you and read, reflect and pray. Don't take notes or bring commentaries or devotionals. Just read God's story without any interruptions. Read Matthew and Genesis straight through. If you understand these two books, you're ahead of every pastor, teacher or professor I've ever met. Don't filter them through past teaching. Just believe what is there on the page. Some things will not be clear because you are reading a translation that has errors in it, but most of what we need to know is found by simply accepting that the writer meant exactly what he said. As you sit there in the wilderness, Yahshua's words to "take no thought for the morrow" will come alive, for you will be living them at that moment. Then you will realize that you have never taken them seriously until then, because you believed the world's lie that you had to plan ahead, use your time "wisely", etc. etc. ad nauseum. You will also realize that your pastor and other spiritual mentors never took these words seriously, for they never taught that they applied to you (and they) today.

As I said, you could come away a changed man. Finally, read Psalms every day to get a clear picture of how sharp the divide is between the kingdom you are coming out of and the kingdom you are entering. After this, you won't ever look back.
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Cornerstone Foundation
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Posted - 31 Jan 2004 :  12:14:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Caleb, doer, Berkano and Robert-James:

Thank you so much for these posts.

They are recommended reading for every guest to this site...We also encourage the "regular" contributors to these forums to reread them.

Berkano..please contact us.

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