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David Merrill Posted - 28 Jan 2011 : 17:46:17
I began and learned Chat Room here.

Ecclesia means Gathering to me. So let's get together and discuss things. I hear some of my old posts are here to this day and I have a lot of linked images with this server too!

It's great to be back!


David Merrill.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Caleb Posted - 28 Jul 2011 : 17:36:04
Hi David,

I share your desire to get things going here again. This is where I first cut my teeth also, and still the only place I have consistently found people of like mind.

You caught up with me recently on the WorldFreemanSociety forums, but I have not found the exchanges there to be at all productive. I met one fellow from Singapore through those forums who has been extremely helpful, but beyond that it seemed that people came there simply to argue with each other by throwing around unsubstantiated allegations.

I have always found the interchange here to be more intelligent, even when it gets a bit too spirited.

So I have decided that these forums will be the only place that I will share my newest and best insights. And I hope you will soon agree that I can now offer a perspective on both Scripture and the Law that you will not find anywhere else.

Honi soit qui mal y pense
TomL Posted - 10 Apr 2011 : 02:05:07
Originally posted by David Merrill

I began and learned Chat Room here.

Ecclesia means Gathering to me. So let's get together and discuss things. I hear some of my old posts are here to this day and I have a lot of linked images with this server too!

It's great to be back!


David Merrill.

I could advertise this site on my sites. But my sites are about as active as this one. I get plenty of traffic, but very few active members, pretty much the same as this one.

What do you think?

David Merrill Posted - 29 Jan 2011 : 17:09:11
Originally posted by Thomas Robert

I'm in

How about Oaths of Office. I have been tring to get oaths for 3 federal judges for 6 months and no response from any of the places that I have asked for them including this guy in Washington DC
Mr. Dan Jackson
Deputy Chief
Judges Compensation and Retirement Services
Administrative Offices of The US Courts
Thurgood Marshal Judicial Building
1 Columbus Circle NE
Washington, DC
20544 202-502-1880

What am I doing wrong or do you think I will I ever get one?

You can click on the Active Topics button or this link.

Jay Scott Posted - 28 Jan 2011 : 21:35:19
I hope you find what you seek.

But back up a bit...what do you want oaths for?

Jay Scott.
Thomas Robert Posted - 28 Jan 2011 : 20:12:27
I'm in

How about Oaths of Office. I have been tring to get oaths for 3 federal judges for 6 months and no response from any of the places that I have asked for them including this guy in Washington DC
Mr. Dan Jackson
Deputy Chief
Judges Compensation and Retirement Services
Administrative Offices of The US Courts
Thurgood Marshal Judicial Building
1 Columbus Circle NE
Washington, DC
20544 202-502-1880

What am I doing wrong or do you think I will I ever get one?
Jay Scott Posted - 28 Jan 2011 : 18:59:31


Jay Scott.

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