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 UPDATE: US Citizenship and Consequences

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Owenbrittont Posted - 26 Jul 2010 : 08:25:19
I had promised everyone on this site that I would tell them the results of my attempts to sue the US under the takings clause.
Here's what happened in a nutshell.
I started a lawsuit under Title 50 USC App 9 & 10 for taking without just compensation by the Alien Property Custodian now delegated to US Attorney General.

Went through the District Court , Appeals Xourt as well as the Supreme Court and last the Federal Claims Court
All kicked it out as unintelligible and amazingly each court lost my most important exhibits. They all followed the same practice of not notifying me or having the Defendant's attorney notify me of there actions otherwise I never received a copy of responding documents until the time to object was over and they were approved, because of no response.

I think we better start our own nation !!!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Owenbrittont Posted - 21 Mar 2011 : 21:43:15
A lot of the information was apparently just discovered so no there is no experience
Jay Scott Posted - 02 Mar 2011 : 17:24:14
First hand experience? Or theories.

Jay Scott.
Owenbrittont Posted - 02 Mar 2011 : 17:19:45
A telephone conference I am involved with is revealing domething VERY interesting. The trust, to which we are supposed to be the beneficiaries to has been high jacked by the fiduciaries in violation of their duties. All courts are running under admiralty law... except one equity. Studies have shown requesting a constructive trust will place you into equity. We are now at the point of studying what exactly needs to go into the equity suit.
Tune in on the net Thursdays starting about 8PM
or call 218-844-3388 ext 966771# please be aware a lot of phone companies treat this conference number as a party line for billing
I. Scriabin Posted - 18 Dec 2010 : 00:33:01
And that is the crux of the matter. This North American nation has not existed under anything but corrupt corporate law of worldly greed since 1865. A new America will begin to rise very shortly....

Those who've taken control over America (and most
of the present World) from their headquarters in
Tel Aviv/Jerusalem/THE CITY OF LONDON/Manhattan and
the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA do have plans for a "New
America." It is not what we're hoping for and it
will be ugly.

Fortunately, some distance down the road later there
will come into power the King who will finally provide
for all on planet Earth what we've been craving from
the beginning; peace and harmony and good health for

Our Saga will have a very happy "ending" as we are
taken into the New Life.
Bondservant Posted - 26 Jul 2010 : 18:40:41
Originally posted by Owenbrittont
I think we better start our own nation !!!

And that is the crux of the matter. This North American nation has not existed under anything but corrupt corporate law of worldly greed since 1865. A new America will begin to rise very shortly....

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