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 Constitutional Con Artists

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berkano Posted - 19 Sep 2007 : 13:43:41
U.S. Constitution an Unlawful Fraud?

What if the U.S. Constitution was a fraud and usurpation from the beginning? What if everything we are told to believe about the Constitution is a string of lies based on more lies? What if the entire American legal and political system was a lie based on a fraud perpetrated by traitors who sought to destroy what America was before the "Constitutional Era?"

Many people speak of the Constitution and "constitutional law" in reference to matters legal. They defend their positions on issues by referencing the "Consitution." When the U.S. government wants to steal land or oppress or imprison or harass people, its agents point to the "Constitution" as authorizing their acts. Even though the government is consistently committing murder, theft, terrorism, and robbery, all these acts are given legal euphemisms and justified by a piece of parchment called, "The Constitution."

But does anyone bother to question the legitimacy or validity of the Constitution?

Can Christians support the Constitution and remain true to Christ? Or does the Constitution violate and stand against all of God's laws? Is the Constitution a device of evil and injustice?

Does the Constitution have any real authority at all? Is the U.S. Government even legitimate? Or does its very existence stand in stark opposition to everything God wants for men, including freedom?

What if almost everyone in America was and is brainwashed so they could not see what the Constitution really means and actually accomplishes--what if everyone were brainwashed so that they could not see that the Constitution was actually a device to enslave all men under a strong central criminal cartel masquerading as a government?

I have assembled articles that address these questions. I invite all to suggest more reading material to be added to the collection. If you would, please post links to related material you have found enlightening and add a short synopsis within this discussion thread. Read more on the fraudulent Constitution at:

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
stefree Posted - 05 Dec 2007 : 07:23:40

For an even more in depth study on the tyranny of the fraudulent constitution...there is a new book out, just published in September...

Stefania Tutino - Law and Conscience: Catholicism in Early Modern England, 1570-1625

It should not suprise you that ROME is behind the scene...
Lewish Posted - 08 Oct 2007 : 17:37:06
Hello berkano,

I have mentioned this book before: "Secret Proceeding and Debates of the Convention Assembled at Philadelphia, in the year 1787, for the Purpose of Forming the Constitution of the United States of America. This book was in the late 1700s, and became a matter of Congressional Record by an Act of Congress in 1835. A friend's mother found this book, original edition, very good condition, in Oregon some years back. It was written by delegates to the Convention and exposes the fraud which allowed to Constitution to become the Law of the Government, supplanting the Articles of Confederation.

The Articles of Confederation preserved too much of the states' rights and had to be superceded in order for the bankers to eventually take complete control. The control we are under today.

The Constitution for the United States of America was never ratified. Proof is in both the Congressional Record and the Legislative Records of several of the original 13 states.

Brother Mary,

The wording of your Notice is somewhat similar to my Archetype, but my Archetype go much further is setting out my status, standing, and capacity. But, it is a VERY good start.


A Man on the Land on Washington as a Citizen thereon.
Cornerstone Foundation Posted - 19 Sep 2007 : 19:33:11

We regard their U.S. Constitution and their Constitution for the united States as distinct from one another.

The preamble to their Constitution for the united States makes mention of a class of people who have the same status in law that I have.

When we issue law documents one of first documents we record is a Notice of Status.

The following are exerpts take from that Notice of Status. The phrase highlighted in red may be the part most pertaining to this topic.

1. Yahweh is the endower of ________ _________'s unalienable rights.

2. It is ________ ___________'s firm religious conviction that it is inappropriate to waive those rights.

3. It is _________ _________,s understanding that some of the unalienable rights endowed to him by Yahweh are required to be secured for __________ ___________, by the Court and your agencies, pursuant to your Constitution for the united States, including its Bill of Rights and the Constitution for the State of ____________ which you have bound yourselves to obey.

4. It is further, _________ ______________'s understanding that oaths or affirmations are required to have been made by officer _________, judge __________, prosecutor________________ and various other John and Jane Does who have become involved in this matter and that said oaths or affirmations are required to be on file for inspection by the people.

5. It is also __________ ___________,s understanding that in those oaths or affirmations each of the said public servants have, as required by your law, solemnly sworn or affirmed that he or she will support and defend ________ ____________'s rights secured by Yahweh and also by your constitutions.

6. ______________ ___________ hereby also notices this Court and all interested parties that ________ ___________ is again making and reconfirming previously made timely and specific reservations of all my rights prejudicing none. The rights reserved include but are not necessarily limited to those secured for me by Yahshua the Son of Yahweh and alluded to in your Constitution for the united States of America at Article III Section 2, Articles of the Bill of Rights, Amendment I, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XIII(i.e. the original prohibition against titles of nobility); those secured for me by Yahshua the Son of Yahweh and alluded to in your Constitution for the State of ____________ at [here we list applicable Articles and Sections] and those alluded in your ____________Code Annotated [here list Title and Section Numbers applicable from their State Code.]

7. _____________ ____________ is acting with a firm reliance on his Creator, Yahweh, who has endowed __________ _____________ with unalienable rights and also is relying on the oaths or affirmations of officer __________ ___________, judge ____________ ___________, prosecutor _______________ __________ and various other John and Jane Does who have become involved with this matter and are required by their law to have solemnly sworn or affirmed that they will support and defend _______________ ____________'s rights secured by the constitutions that they have committed themselves, under penalty of perjury, to uphold and defend.

Therefore with reliance on Yahweh, Yahweh,s Law, man's law when it does not conflict with Yahweh's Law (Leviticus 18 3-4, Leviticus 20: 22-23; II Kings 17: 8, 19; II Chronicles 17:4), and the oaths or affirmations of the aforementioned judges and public servants, ________ _____________ hereby gives the above Notice and grants 10 days grace for those noticed to take the appropriate actions to comply with the higher law.

Best Regards,


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