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 Colorado Judge Arrested by Citizen Militia?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bondservant Posted - 29 Dec 2004 : 19:53:50
Colorado Judge Arrested
By Citizen Militia
By Rita Goodstory
Staff Writer - Denver Post

DENVER -- Once again, four members of the Americans for Justice Militia entered a judge's office to place a sitting judge under arrest. At 9:45 this morning the small, unarmed group arrived at the 2nd District Court (1437 Bannock Street), flashed their AJM credentials, and instructed the clerk to escort them to Judge Wilson's office.

Judge Wilson was read the charges and was peacefully arrested by Denver AJM members Tom Cooley, William Adamson, Jeffrey Wilson (no relation), and Cynthia Washington. The four calmly walked the arrested judge without handcuffs to the neighboring police station for booking and incarceration, pending a bail hearing.

Police Captain Hermano Gutierrez refused to comment, but William Anderson, a senior AJM member, read the following statement for the media:

"Judges in Denver and throughout Colorado were first put on notice by Rick Stanley in 2002. Every judge has taken an oath to uphold and defend the constitutions of the United States and the State of Colorado, and the citizens of Colorado have the right and the duty to enforce that oath. Judges who show blatant disregard for the law are held accountable to the law, if not by our hired servants in government then by the citizens themselves. Regretably, this is our nineteenth arrest. We would prefer this to be the last, but that is entirely up to the judges."

The militia dispersed by 10:15 a.m. when they returned to their full-time jobs as store clerk (Cooley), programmer (Adamson), elementary school teacher (Wilson), and peace officer (Washington).
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bondservant Posted - 27 Oct 2014 : 19:32:05
Originally posted by Gregory

I am Gregory Thomas WILLIAMS at, but the other Gregory Thomas or Gregory-Thomas known as RevokeTheTrust (a Senior Member on this forum) is not me; nor is the user name known as "Greg" on these groups me - as David Merrill has suspected.

Peace on your house.
The Kingdom of heaven is at hand

Brother Gregory,

Thank you for making this clear so that the Brothers who might read this topic can know the truth... especially after nine years. Please note that "David Merrill" has not been active on this forum for almost the same amount of time since someone not connected with the Ecclesiastic Commonwealth Community sponsored his own forum on a different internet site.

He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living... - Mark 12:27
Gregory Posted - 23 Oct 2014 : 03:59:35
I am Gregory Thomas WILLIAMS at, but the other Gregory Thomas or Gregory-Thomas known as RevokeTheTrust (a Senior Member on this forum) is not me; nor is the user name known as "Greg" on these groups me - as David Merrill has suspected.

Peace on your house.
The Kingdom of heaven is at hand
David Merrill Posted - 28 Mar 2005 : 08:53:57

That's right! Rick is mentioned in a quote. That is where I got the impression he was involved in the sham article.

It is a good point you make, by making me into a Mr. Merrill. That is a common demeaning title. Please refrain from calling me anything but David Merrill or when obvious, David in the future.

charles8854 Posted - 28 Mar 2005 : 07:31:49
In response to the above post by "Bondservant",
Mr Merrill stated he was unclear about who it was
that got arrested for wearing an exposed gun in downtown denver.

I sincerely believe that to be the very same "Rick Stanley"
whom "Bondservant" mentioned at the start of these posts.

cbs ...
David Merrill Posted - 30 Dec 2004 : 10:42:51
Some insight into newsgroups:

[If this link fails Google "daily usenet report".]

I consider this view of what you read as news on the Internet a mental Fourier Transfomation. Note rejection rates and rejection of "Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings".

Looks like one got through the screening if most of the posted news articles are factual.
Oneisraelite Posted - 30 Dec 2004 : 10:33:24
And it was written by "Rita [read a] Goodstory [good story]...LOL Perhaps we should also read: Twenty Yards to the Outhouse written by Willy Makit, illustrated by Betty Wont

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL.
David Merrill Posted - 30 Dec 2004 : 10:31:13
So for the benefit of process and edification of the same I will peremptorily declare judgment that article was a hoax. Especially in light of the deleted 'evidence'.

This is so that hopefully somebody will challenge my judgment with credible evidence*. Otherwise it will sit res judicata until overturned by the truth.

Beware the Internet is a wonderful rumor mill!


David Merrill.

* That hoax played on a fantasy of mine; that much I will admit. The moment I believe such I will be seeking out those in authority and joining up. Meanwhile next time I am looking for trouble maybe I will look these folks up.

I suppose the article was targeting the four individuals in it subject, presuming they exist. I recall back in college I would entertain ladies in the dorm cafeteria by making stuff up and pretending I was reading it from the newspaper. I followed the format of a professional reporter until my scoop got so incredulous someone would demand to see the paper.
Bondservant Posted - 30 Dec 2004 : 10:19:55
You may be correct. This "article" originated from a very trusted internet news source, but it has now been removed from their site.
David Merrill Posted - 29 Dec 2004 : 20:18:56
Careful! At the moment I am convinced this is a hoax article. I am here in Colorado and am also what people know as an intelligence nexus. I have heard nothing of the former 18 such arrests.

Also as Posts here testify, I am working on the process of effecting, morelike revitalizing the right to take such responsibility for arrests under admiralty Rule C(3)(a)(ii)(B) Arrest Warrant:

(B) If the plaintiff or the plaintiff';s attorney certifies that exigent circumstances make court review impracticable, the clerk must promptly issue a summons and a warrant for the arrest of the vessel or other property that is the subject of the action. The plaintiff has the burden in any post-arrest hearing under Rule E(4)(f) to show that exigent circumstances existed.

It is a near certainty that there would have been four arrests made in the above scenario - probably for the capital offense "kidnapping".

But of course, search for yourselves. If you find anything about it, please Post the direct link:


David Merrill.

P.S. If it is worth anything I think I recognize one of the names - Jeffrey Wilson. About three years back (if I am speaking about the right man) the man notified police he was going to wear a pistol (exposed) in downtown Denver and of course got arrested on the municipal ordinance when he did so. It raised some issues and I wrote a letter to his attorney who was mentioned in the newspaper article. But of course the advice was to #1 - lose the attorney so I doubt the letter ever got to the fellow who has likely been tried, convicted and released after serving a jail sentence.

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