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 Changing Christians into LEGAL FICTIONS

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 19 Oct 2001 : 00:27:09
It's all in the NAME
(click the blue floppy disk icon to view/download the entire post)

One of the biggest scams and traps ever brought against the Body of Christ is the current "legal" (as opposed to Lawful) method of converting the Christian Man into that of a "legal fiction" through the use of all CAPS spelling. This article will help you realize how that came about and how dangerous it is to accept the LEGAL FICTION mark of the beast.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jay Scott Posted - 30 Jul 2009 : 13:50:07
Maybe the ALLCAPS NAME (or any variation appearing on a public document) is not your name. What evidence do you have that it's your name? Idem sonans?

If people call me McDonald, do I own all the restaurants with that name on it? Of course not. Just because there's a paper called "Birth Certificate" with what sounds like what people call me, what makes that my name? And if it's not my name, what's the problem?

The NAME GAME Explained (download RTF, link found on this page).

I don't know. Food for thought.

Be blessed.

Jay Scott.
Manuel Posted - 17 Dec 2005 : 12:05:43
Grant No Man the Authority to Make You His Slave


by Peter Ragnar

Are there any among us who would not decry the repugnancy of slavery? I am assuming, of course, that you have reached a higher station in your moral evolution than members of the common mob. Yet, isn’t it likely that the lowest serf, imprisoned as a nameless unit of the proletariat, abhors his forced servitude? Like a prisoner gazing beyond his bars, does not the indentured servant, in his most hopeful of moments, dream of freedom? I grant you it is possible some mindless automatons with lobotomized souls would equate their slavery with fate. Such people lack enough vitality in their being to even protest a perfunctory “I wish I were free,” and they are certainly not endowed with a single drop of originality in seeking it.

I salute you - the self-owned, the self-reliant, the independent heroes of freedom! You have refused to submit and surrender to the iron boots of slavery. You eschew tyranny and refuse to sanction the officious, pigheaded, bureaucratic assaults and intrusions upon your life. To you these assaults are as impotent as rag dolls. Yet they continue each day, fed by the mentality of the mindless mob granting what they have no right to grant, sanctioning what no one can sanction, and legitimizing what no one can make legitimate.

If it were not for a swarm of obedient servants, myriads mired in the morass of the mob mentality, even a Caesar or a Napoleon would be reduced to flaccid, vagrant nobodies. For whom is a Caesar, a Napoleon, or an Alexander the Great without their armies, their hordes of servants, and the greedy solicitous masses humbly beseeching them for perks?

Just imagine a Napoleon in his threadbare uniform, standing on a box in the city square and shouting political slogans, much like an itinerant evangelist seeking converts by wildly proselytizing like a madman. The local citizenry give him a wide berth, as one would sensibly do to anyone so afflicted. Such a clown could hardly be taken seriously, let alone obeyed. You would not grant such a one respect, nor approve of his desire to impose his will. Nor would you, as the case is today, sanction the will of the larger mob over the individual who does not wish to be enslaved. Grant no man the authority to make you his slave! Appoint no one your guardian. Accept no handouts from those distributing stolen property. Commit no criminal acts by accepting monies extorted from others.

When a government is installed by the voting majority it imposes a tribute upon all, known as taxation. Confiscations of property and imprisonment await those who refuse to pay voluntarily. Taxation, administered in this manner, is clearly theft. Morally, you have no right to be a co-conspirator in the aggressing and extorting of monies, or properties, or in the forced conscription of your own or your neighbor’s children being compulsorily sent to “school.” If you vote to sanction the unsanctionable, to legitimize the illegitimate, you criminalize yourself. And does your vote really matter (except as evidence that you accept the governmental system)? You only exchange one candidate for another, while the tyrant (the institution of government) remains the same!

Oh yes, you may agree that you have been burdened by government, and so seek solace by voting for change. You may feel that you are choosing the lesser of two evils. Here I implore you to bear in mind that the lesser of two evils is still evil! To endorse a little evil is similar to accepting a little carcinoma. Evil is still evil! This is more than the simple sin of looking in the other direction as a co-worker steals from his employer. This is your sanction of murder and theft! This is your approval of extortion! This is your endorsement of slavery! Can you cast a vote in good conscience that will result in the oppression and enslavement of others? When you vote for a candidate, you are in fact saying it is perfectly right for him to force your neighbor to submit to your desires -- desires which can be enforced at the point of a gun. Except in distancing yourself from the crime, is there really any difference between hiring someone to rob your neighbor and committing the act yourself? Even more serious is the fact that, by voting, you have essentially hired a hit man to kill the “others” with whom you disagree. Of course, if you hired the Mafia to do the dirty work, you’d go to prison if you were caught. You escape responsibility by voting and having government agents act on your behalf. The crimes are identical. The only difference is that the first method is “politically” approved and legal, and the second is not.

Bear in mind, laws of convention made and enforced by the collective are not like the laws of nature, which, when violated, extract perfect retribution. Therefore, in the furtherance of my own evolution, I can only say “NO” to ALL the candidates. So you see, in a sense I am casting a “NO” vote against all of them. My choice is simply “None of the Above!” One candidate may steal from me more or less than the other, but that’s not the point. The basic premise, for honest conscious minds, is that stealing cannot be legitimized. Your integrity should never allow you to cast a vote. Do not sanction your own enslavement. Grant no man the authority to make you his slave. Grant no man the power to enslave your neighbor, grant no man the sanction to steal or murder in your name, lest you cause yourself irreparable moral damage. When asked how one could be a free man and yet a slave, the ancient Athenian sage, Diogenes, answered, “Simply, by the number of times you say master.” Diogenes, who recognized no master, always embraced a NO vote. He argued that Athenians, who voted by casting various-colored beans into a receptacle,
should “Abstain from beans.”

Once, while sunbathing by the river, Diogenes was approached by Alexander the Great. Alexander’s shadow loomed over the reclining, naked Diogenes. “Do you know who I am?” asked Alexander. “That’s not the question you should be asking,” retorted Diogenes. “You should be asking if you know who you are.” Alexander, like all avaricious, unctuous politicians, was asking the same banal and prosaic question, namely: Do you recognize my authority to control you? Do you acknowledge my power over you? Diogenes’ refusal to kowtow to Alexander simply meant Diogenes recognized no authority except “the primacy of his own right judgment.” Freedom, in Diogenes’ view, was the “absolute dominion over his own will. This was the inner realm over which no outside force, not even an Alexander and all his soldiers, had any power, whatsoever.”

Regaining his composure, Alexander boasted, “I’m Alexander the Great!” Unimpressed, Diogenes, in a dismissive tone replied, “So, be Alexander the Great!” No one had ever spoken to Alexander with such self-assured authority before. In fact, no one could, except the individual who knows that no person can truly control another. Now feeling more like the average solicitous bureaucrat, Alexander adopted a more servile attitude, offering, “Is there anything I can do for you?” Casually waving his hand, Diogenes replied, “Move over. You’re blocking my sunlight.”

So what are you waiting for? You should dismiss these pompous pinheads with a wave of your hands, instead of using them to pull the lever in the voting booth.

You were born free and you should remain free. You need no one to speak for you. You require no guardians. You have no need for an elder brother watching over your shoulder. You will learn from your own mistakes and grow strong by them. You require no handouts. For it is only by your own hand, and by voluntarily trading with others, that you can honestly obtain all the fruitage for the greater life. You may fail or you may succeed, but only so long as you grant no man the authority to make you his slave may you pursue your quest for a more bountiful life.
source Posted - 31 Dec 2004 : 15:33:11
I am pleased to see that you offered an intepretation rather than saying it was as you say.

Blessings on YHWH's words of inspiration not being tainted with the interpretations of men that do not believe in them.

Focus on the story of money "Salvation Island" by Louis Even in the Link above and the reader will grasp the intent of the pharisee's and why they were so upset at being flogged out of the temple. Usury was condemnable in the time of Yeshua. I will not quote the many scriptures that say so but after viewing the link and reading the pictographed story you will know why.

Blessings upon all in Love and prayers for those without it.

David Merrill Posted - 30 Dec 2004 : 20:15:50
This is just my interpretation but it was the Herodian Guard selling franchises on contracting the Drachma who had Jesus put to death for interfering with business (overturning the moneychanger's tables). The Jews were not so fanatical about a king in Israel to kill a man over it. Once I adopted this perspective, a lot of the Gospel accounts made much more sense.
True North Posted - 30 Dec 2004 : 08:45:17
oneisraelite, I would not try to discourage your efforts or challenge your methods. I consider you the best etymological researcher on these boards.

Something is missing in the picture you presented. adam and edom both have vowel pointings to provide pronunciation for interpretation of the words. Looking at 2Kings 3:22 we find (0122 Mda) adom and (01818 Md) dam. The original has no vowel pointings so the case of the alef (a) representing a vowel holds. Upon further research we find Strong's Concordance has followed the Babylonian (Talmudic or wherever) procedure adding the vowel points. In this case Strong's reference adds a "quamets" under the alef and a "holem" over the dalet to make the adm into short vowel 'a' sound and long 'o' sound for the word red [H122 - 'adom] and the dm gets a "quamets" under the the dalet and a "sureq" (long u-sound like oe in shoe) to the left of the dalet to make blood:[H1818 - dam] (funny, why the sound is dam instead of dome like the vowel points indicate?).

Actually it is not funny, just ignorance. The words contain the same Hebrew root -dm- but now I must interpret the verse. Let yourself drift back to the mid 17th century and become the translating scribe for a moment as the scribe is getting ready to translate this verse... The interpretation causes me a problem; If I interpret it in light of all that the Hebrew sages have said about the alef-bet and TaNaK, I will have to study that dang Jewish stuff (you know they killed my Jesus, rotten creatures) and that will take much too much time. It also will not please King James not to mention the bishop who hired me on the King's commission. The church doctrine is that man is made of dirt, red dirt, so no problem. The adam means red just like the church translated over there in genesis and the dam is blood and mayim is water so I've interpreted to fit church doctrine nicely and haven't destroyed the context or subject matter of the text ... on to the next verse.

(Unfortunately), all of the text will be translated in light of church doctrine and forbid we translate any of the text in light of anything printed by someone even remotely holding a pro-Semitic stance. Besides what does it matter, Latin is the holy mother language, not Hebrew or Greek ...

Kind of sarcastic but you might see my point of view now.

David Merrill Posted - 29 Dec 2004 : 17:27:33
I found an interesting page in an old journal of mine:

The Qaballists seem to be saying the proper vowel sounds are essentially part of the Name.

I remember something about Yod, He, Vaw, He, Daleth too. But I am a little sketchy about the details. I think I heard that from Monte Judah in about 1998. Significance of Daleth on the end.
source Posted - 29 Dec 2004 : 16:30:46
"Can someone explain money?"

Louis Even has written an interesting story regarding your question.

If you research his name and "Salvation Island" In Google you will find that story supplemented by colored depictive drawings.

Oneisraelite Posted - 29 Dec 2004 : 15:23:08
Greetings and salutations, True North:

Peace be unto the house.

Introductory Hebrew Grammar by R. Laird Harris states; “Four of the Hebrew letters [yodh, he vau (waw), aleph]…are called vowel letters.”

The Beginners Handbook to Biblical Hebrew by Marks and Rogers and How the Hebrew Language Grew by Horowitz report also that the letters yodh, he, vau (waw), aleph are Hebrew vowel-consonants.

In fact, Yosephus himself admitted that the three letters (one repeated) that make up the Set-Apart Name are four vowels, though none of these are the aleph we can at least readily see that there are indeed vowels in the original Hebrew aleph-bet.

It would appear that as in "the Name", for example, being four vowel/consonants, they remain vowels unless vowel pointing is added; only then do they become consonants.

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL.
David Merrill Posted - 29 Dec 2004 : 14:58:11
Thank you. Very informative.

I have pondered similar notions regarding the coast guard.
True North Posted - 29 Dec 2004 : 14:26:47
David; RE the right of arrest, bills of lading & Provost Marshall

While I was looking through some of the Admiralty links you provided, the thought that the Provost Marshall may have some part to play in achieving this arrest when needed. Below are some clips from the yahoo group ... citizensoftheUSofA ... Message #11018. The link below may provide additional info also but I didn't go to it as I usually leave much of the surfing (to try to avoid virus trouble) to those more protected than I.

There was a rumor around 8 years ago, that the proper reporting authority for the breaking of a seal on a vessel in commerce was the Provost Marshall at the nearest military instillation. The story goes as follows:

At one specific weighing station in California, a local sheriff's deputy broke the seal of a vessel (trailer) to inspect for either drugs, or illegal aliens. Instead of reporting this to the local Sheriff, California Highway Patrol, or the State Attorney General, the driver went to the nearest pay phone and looked up the number for the nearest military base. He then reported the incident to the Provost Marshal. When the Provost Marshal arrived on seen, he arrested every state and local peace officer present at the weight station, charged them with the violation of a federal crime and the weight station remained closed for at least 6 months after the incident.

This story was circulated around the legal researchers I was in contact with while sojourning on Calif. It was used as a postulation of proof that we still exist under the military government established at the time of Lincoln. Shortly after this happened, I left to sojourn on other parts of the land mass. An excellent treatise is Military Government and Martial Law by William Birkhimer (1914).

oneisraelite; from and earlier post in this thread that has bothered me for not qualifying ...
adam and edom appear to be the same Hebrew word if one removes the vowel pointings which did not exist originally.

The dalet (d) mem (m) and alef (a) are all consonants but the vowel pointings in the word adam and edom don't hold true for these two words (in the context you used) because the alef is a consonant. Adam is a word made from the stem or root word containing the dalet, mem (blood) using Jastro's dictionary as reference and Beresh't (Genesis) 5:2.

David Merrill Posted - 29 Dec 2004 : 10:33:19
Get context from the article:

The Bills of Lading Act 5[5] is another handy piece of legislation that helps level the playing field, by imposing liability against carriers that misplace, or miss-deliver our cargo(paperwork). Cargo can literally be anything. All manners of things are shipped internationally, from cigarette lighters to books. So we are not making any sort of stretch to say our paperwork is cargo. If the bill of lading sufficiently describes the cargo, the carrier is liable for damages caused by miss-delivery. A bill of lading is nothing more than a document given to the shipper that gives instructions where the cargo is to be delivered, and what the cargo looks like. For the bill of lading to be effective, it must describe the cargo being transported sufficiently so that the shipper can identify the cargo enough to be held responsible, when the shipper delivers the cargo somewhere else.

In light of the Birth Certificate transformation of the baby into asset I enjoy playing with the possibilities of this Act.

The bill of lading, the birth certificate actually delivers the baby at the hospital, not to the mother. The hospital claims the delivery!


David Merrill.

P.S. I believe this article is also related to this Topic:

David Merrill Posted - 27 Nov 2004 : 13:46:32
Regarding Solari Circles; Nested within a debt currency system designed to drain off resources and energy into the prevailing and dominant (METRO home rule/Income Tax) jural society, this leaves little to trust each other once forming the Circles. Even the best intentions behind a loan will leave groceries and gas in the car before making payments. Ergo there is a trust problem when it seems better to leave lending to the lending institutions which will unemotionally collect upon default. Nobody likes hounding after repayment.

So I intruduced the energy based bill of exchange over there. My advice that paranoia about banking policy is dysfunctional was met with the expected skepticism. But the echo chamber I am certain is functional.

Watch as these three groups you are involved/monitoring are pushed into a position where the people must either trust or go under. Unfortunately bankruptcy is still an attractive option but the rubber bands can only stretch so far.


David Merrill.

P.S. These subscriptions are worthwhile even if you only have time to read the headlines:
True North Posted - 27 Nov 2004 : 12:48:49
By escaping the Western mindset, by utilizing a universal language of physics - mathematics, the task is no longer insurmountable.

David; thank you for clarifying your echo chamber and hub concepts. The need to "test the spirits" allows me to be skeptical of many writers/writings and your clarification aligns with my own motivation for participation in these forums. Although my own propensity to choose good and evil, instead of life, feeds the skepticism.

Thankfully critical mass has been or is nearly achieved (3 different groups, one entirely cross cultural to the others, are discussing unity today as I surf). Not all my skepticism is entirely unfounded though as can be seen through the following quote and cross-post clip ...

... Unfortunately, as it now stands, mainstream physics reductionism is leading to an evermore complex picture of nature involving a proliferation of particles, the possibility of yet more "fundamental" forces, the implications of incorporating additional dimensions as in superstring theory, and so forth. Thus, in spite of efforts to develop a grand unified theory to simplify our picture of nature, the actual day-to-day work on this effort is complexifying faster than the hoped-for simplification. Therefore, not only are we missing holism on the grand scale, but a gratifying holism just for the physical sciences alone appears to be a rapidly accelerating goal post ... Hal Puthoff, Searching for the Universal Matrix in Metaphysics,

(cross-post clip) ... Einstein’s life-long frustration in his search for his Unification Theory of all energy would have been better sought had he but remembered that “In the beginning there was God” and that “God is Spirit.” ...

My own skepticism stems from this premise ... Understanding and implementing the government of the Kingdom individually and collectively is crucial to that 'trust' development (Solari Circle), the Eucharist in its 'true' concept form as well ...

(cross-post clip on eucharist)... note that the word Eucharist is simply the Greek word for thanks giving. It is all about giving life not saving it. God gives life. We should be thankful that we can give our lives for our king and his kingdom ... This article may give people a glimpse of one of the key ingredients to a free government. Freedom of choice coupled with love of neighbor is essential in any free society. One must be as concerned about their neighbor's rights as they are about their own. Both the daily ministration of charity and the national militia's defense of the people are dependent upon the fellowship of Eucharistia or, Thanksgiving. How did this work in the first century Church and how does it manifest itself in the kingdom of God? You may be surprised.

Also we have posted a book on the net that tells how the Kingdom of God worked in ancient and more modern times.

Thy Kingdom Comes ... (end cross-post clip)

The context of 2Kings 3:22 is the blood on the water but it is water turned red by the blood that is the subject matter not blood therefore the alef on the beginning of the word dam clarifies that it is indeed life that has been spilled turning the water red.

If I really wanted to show my ignorance of the Hebrew construct for any real Hebrew scholar to blast, (ignorance relief is welcome), I might be tempted to translate 2Kings 3:22 thusly .... the Moabites saw the water and perceived that it was red from the blood of men (Kings).

David Merrill Posted - 25 Nov 2004 : 10:43:47
Great answer.

I suggest revisiting "Mathematics worth Pondering" or better yet, advanced-resonance inductive plasma physics:

[I began the advanced-resonance Topic within the scope of Matters Effecting Ecclesia by saying:

In conjunction with the Patent and Trademark Office in Washington DC, I feel that this is a good place to bounce some of the mathematics and physical experiments off you.

a/k/a an "echo chamber".

I had a wonderful feast with my family too (noticing the lack of sharing research yesterday being Thanksgiving Day) but wonder if some of you are beginning to piece this whole deal together and seeing it similarly as I do. Recently I purchased a few Bluetooth devices (short range radio on 2.4GHz for controlling communications and devices without wires) and built a PAN (Personal Area Network). Many would say the initial or most central Bluetooth device is the "hub" of the PAN but I say my central nervous system is the hub. After all "P" is for "Personal" in PAN. So I am a network, Bluetooth or not. So are you. Then your network bounces off something called the Internet when you set down at a keyboard and 'log on'. We accumulate a combinatorial orchestra of reverberations by interfacing and interleaving multiple networks. But that also begs the questions, "Where are the network boundaries? Where does my network end and "The" network begin? Where does my PAN and your PAN connect?"

At the heart of every hub however is a hardwired mother language Joshua Ben and Yitzchak Elchanan call Edenics. That makes a common base for harmonics to form - like the ones and zeros used in the medium - the artificial intellegence pulsing optics and electromagnetics etc. we use for the utility between I/Os (Input/Output devices; mouse, keyboard, display etc).

Recently I assembled an interface between Solari and Ecclesia and like a differential amplifier, the similiarities cancel and the differences are exposed. That is when they reach the same natural frequency. Until then there are reverberations and the system tries to find stability or chaos depending on the number of degrees of freedom initial to the system. I really think the people here can help the people there. To date there is no functional Solari Circle evidenced on the site. The idealistic and communistic theories await trust, that is all. The Constitutional (Article VI) 'other public trusts' that have been occupied by METRO home rule UN combinatorial mathematics (UN Charter/globally unified Municipal and Police Powers replacing judiciary) can only be replaced by people trusting one another. I suggest you familiarize yourselves with the Circles concepts now so you won't be surprised.

The quick point I am making is that as we acquire ideas, like this insight into Hebrew and its fundamental similarities and also the profound discrepancies in our mindset on syntax, we are networking them (insights) as part of the Internet. Not just being "on" the Internet. We are the supercomputer I was intending for JUNO back when I limited my probe to the basic three-letter words. My intention was to set up the proposed supercomputer for JUNO with the same program but take it out to about thirty letters, extant Hebrew words or not. JUNO went into some financial turmoil the same time I submitted my proposal to the president there and I never heard about the Supercomputer proposal again.]

A few years ago, to claw through the transition from my "Western mindset" I filed a mathematical treatise, the premiere utility 104 pages long, into the Patent and Trademark office. I optimized the resonance in the Table of Relative Weights and found Gadolinium 157 the optimal standard. I tuned it with the Fibonacci Sequence at 32 iterations, 22 stamina + 10 digits (61.55%). Then I cycled through the three-letter Hebrew words you mention above and gathered their original numerical meaning and matched these words up to the naturally occurring isotope.

It was an experience a little beyond articulation but I was able to get insight into the numero-linguistic interface and use the results for a key into subsequent work like discovering flaws in the Fine Structure Constant (Somerfeld 1916).

But I think I understand what you are trying to say about Hebrew and some of the conditioning that must be shed in order to decrypt symbologies found in the Holy Bible. You point out the typical mentality, to just discard the effort. A tough mirror indeed.


David Merrill.

P.S. A similar "reverberation between networks" set between the Patent and Trademark office and a Beijing high-tech corporation started a skurmish for genome patenting of SARS. Since I already had it in the Patent and Trademark office the dispute was settled quickly and SARS was effectively contained. When I applied the technique to West Nile Virus instead of competing in finance, I tried to just talk sense to county health officials. They chastized the city official for talking with me and poisoned the storm drains instead. Idiocy.

P.P.S. It occurs to me that my writings are rambling without understanding my objective. You said:

These language differences present an insurmountable problem in interpretation for the Western mindset.

I beg to differ but only slightly. By escaping the Western mindset, by utilizing a universal language of physics - mathematics, the task is no longer insurmountable.
True North Posted - 25 Nov 2004 : 10:15:14

Man it's tough to deal with 'true' seekers, ROTFLOL

I should have bowed out long ago before my ignorance began to show any worse than this. Maybe I can dance around this politically ...

Hebrew is a complex language of (usually) three root letters and then a prefix or a suffix added to the root. This gives a rather small 'family' root (linguistically speaking) but a plethora (neat sounding word, plethora) of synonyms and sometimes antonyms developing from the same Hebrew root word.

These language differences present an insurmountable problem in interpretation for the Western mindset. Not only does the average Westerner not know anything about Hebrew concepts of who man is, who HaShem is, or the relationship between them, he doesn't even know he is not a legal fiction. ('cause dem Iews killed Jeeeesus, me hates em, so don't give me any of that Jewish crap - Smeegle). Uhgggg or Argggg :/{

There are no vowels in the original Hebrew because the context of the subject matter in the sentence determines the meaning of the word not the spelling or the later added vowels.

The context of 2Kings 3:22 is the blood on the water but it is water turned red by the blood that is the subject matter not blood therefore the alef on the beginning of the word dam clarifies that it is indeed life that has been spilled turning the water red.

Pretty good answer for a blind sheep EH?

Oneisraelite Posted - 25 Nov 2004 : 08:16:51
Greetings True North:
Peace be unto the house.
What do we make of this, InYournotsoHumbleOpinion (LOL)?
2Kings 3:22 And they rose up early in the morning, and the sun shone upon the water, and the Moabites saw the water on the other side, as red [H122 - 'adom] as blood:[H1818 - dam]

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL.
David Merrill Posted - 24 Nov 2004 : 15:16:37
Often I do not get the complex rules around "Edenics" the term for the Hebrew hardwired linguistic root in our nervous systems - the true mother language. After a few conversations with Yitzchak we agreed that I would not comprehend the system of verification until we worked out some disagreement about nouns (things) verses verbs (processes and actions). But his work proves one thing; Indo-European roots are only part-way to the true mother language which is found nested prevalently in Hebrew. Also, Hebrew is the only dead language ever to have been fully revived.

DA(M)N DaHN Daled-Noon
ROOTS: Latin damnare is to condemn or fine. DahN is to punish or "judge" (Genesis 15:14). DaYaN is a judge (Psalms 68:6 – see “DEAN”). DeeYN is law, judgment, justice, litigation and, in Deuteronomy 17:18, a legal plea as in to DUN. The theoretical IE root for DAMN, DAMAGE and CONDEMN is dap to apportion (in exchange). DT[A]hM is a judgement or decree (Jonah 3:7). DT-MN antonyms at "DUMB".

BRANCHES: DEEM is to judge; a DEEMSTER is a judge. REDEEM and REDEMPTION (to make amends, atone for guilt); relate to other DM terms like DAMAGE, Latin damnum (lessor injury), INDEMNITY, and INDEMNIFY (to make reparations). All these relate to (...) DAM ("bloodguilt" - Exodus 22:l).
To translate (...) DAM as literal blood makes for awkward translation in verses like Leviticus 19:16 ("Do not profit by the blood of your neighbor"). The context clearly wants us to not profit by the damnum (Latin for injury or loss) of our fellow man. In many other verses the bloodthirsty translators failed to see (...) DAM as a legal term of damages due, a relative of (...) DAMIM (value, cost), of (...) DIMA (fee) and, of (...) DEEN (DOOM, judgment). (...) DT-N is to sue or claim.
CONDEMN, DEMON, DOOM are all judgmental terms. (...) (MI)DENA (province) literally means jurisdiction. As law implies jurisdiction, this D-N M family has a bearing on words like DEMEAN, DOMINATE, (KING)DOM, etc.
The -DOM suffix of words like FREEDOM and SERFDOM are from the jurisdiction of DOOM and DeeYN (law). See "MADONNA" and "ADONIS" for many D-N M terms of mastery from (...) ADON (master).
In Chinese dian is law or rule; ding is to pass judgment. Tham is to try or judge in Vietnamese.
D-N jurisdiction terms are stamped in money words, including Spanish dinero, Italian denaro and perhaps Russian dyengi. The reference books try to make the Latin dinarius non-Semitic by insisting that the coin “originally contained ten asses” (Ernest Klein), believing that DNR sounds like Latin decem (ten).


Crosstalk: This is lightly related to the Topic - the purpose of the character assassination is to generate the credit behind debt currency. If you visit Solari keep your eyes open for evidence of any functional Circles. As long as people attempt the wonderful theories in a debt currency system (my opinion is) the energy drain is too great to form the coherent trust necessary for critical mass. Of course as the debt economy dwindles, the strain coerces the equation so that critical mass may be very soon:

Solari Action Network

Building wealth together within local living economies
– one family and one equity investment at a time

Can someone explain money?


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:09 pm Post subject: Can someone explain money?


Hello there,

My name is Paula, I’m 36 years old and a returning-adult undergraduate at Penn State. I’m studying journalism and technical communications there. Prior to that I was a graphic artist for about ten years and a general internet geek. My hope was to write about technology for a living but who knows what will happen now.

I’ve been keeping up with the From the Wilderness website and checking the Solari website occasionally over the past few years, and I recently received my copy of Crossing the Rubicon. Since the election last week I’ve been not only concerned about the state of the union, but also about what I can do to protect myself and to support those who, like Mike Ruppert and Ms. Fitts, are on the front lines.

I’ve run into a major discouragement with all this and I was hoping perhaps someone here could clarify some things.

I think that Mr. Ruppert is correct in saying that the battle must be fought economically and with PR. (I have known this since the beginning, and have been dismayed at the bad PR street protesters rain down on all who agree with their positions.) But my problem is this — what are people who have no money supposed to do?

Currently I have about $12,000 in student loan debt, and $2300 in a credit union savings account, which I have set aside to pay for school next summer. I own no property, no savings, no investments, nothing. The most valuable thing I own is my computer. I have a fair amount of both talent and expertise in various areas. I can do a lot — but I cannot invest. I have no dollars with which to “vote.”

I have never known a life where there is anything resembling savings or investment. My parents lived hand-to-mouth, and I have spent my life the same way. To me, money is an enemy. It is both the prison that keeps me from being free enough to pursue my real talents and interests, and the prison guard that watches to make sure I never do get free. It is like a gun to my head, forcing me to participate in activities that drain me spiritually. But what can I do when the rent has to be paid? I would venture to guess that a great many people who follow Ms. Fitts’ and Mr. Ruppert’s work have the same experience of money.

Surely there is some view of money that is more constructive and useful to the current situation. What is that view, what does it look like? Surely it cannot be that those of us who have no money must sit back and hope that those principled folks who do have some money are able to fight on the economic front effectively on our behalf.

Mr. Ruppert has said time and again that the only way to correct things is to change the way money works. What does that even mean? How does money work to begin with?

I would be really useful to me, and probably to others, if someone could provide background information about money, how it works, what is a proper understanding of it, and whatever else might be necessary to know. Those of us who don’t have any money are going to be the sacrificial lambs in the coming years. I don’t intend to be anyone’s martyr if I can help it.

Thanks much for whatever information you can help out with. Keep up the good work,



Joined: 22 Sep 2003
Posts: 137
Location: New York
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:07 am Post subject: What you can do with what you have


Congratulations you are on the right track !!

First go to the first page of Solari and read Catherines "Coming Clean" . Download it read it and read the suggested books.
Don't forget.
If you have even a few dollars you vote each and very day with them. You decide am I going to put them in a bank that is bankrolling the government killing our boys in Iraq or am I going to go local. Am i going to spend my dollars at the Mom and Pop store or at Home Depot and Wal Mart. At Mc Donalds and Starbucks or at a local coffeee shop.
Those actions are huge. Mc Donalds didn't get to be a major corporation on the backs of the very wealthy but on the backs of the poor and less well off(and the backsides-see Supersize Me).
Student loans and the overpricing of all American education is the biggest money trap in the country. It has made indentured slaves of most of our young middle class until many are 40 years old.
Keep studying here and elsewhere where there is rich information. You are on the right track and as you figure it out tell others. This all must be spread like Tom Paines leaflets during the American Revolution.
A new revolution in thought to take back the country from the corporate raiders. One buck at a time.


David Merrill

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 3:14 pm Post subject: advanced-resonance inductive plasma physics


Dear Paula;

I admire your inquiring mind and value-based mindset. What first impresses me is you notice that “money” matters drain you spiritually. There is a book by a genius called “Debt Virus” by Jacques Sanchara JAIKARAN and this discomfort (disease) is defined in the title. Associate the etymology of debt with death. Mortgage is a death promise from MORT –death and GAGE – bond.

You describe ‘front lines’ so I will tell you about a fellow (late 1996) at a stainless steel table wearing an identical orange jumpsuit as myself. He had been accused of ‘counterfeiting’. He bought a great printer and was producing mimicked Federal Reserve Notes of fine quality but a fellow he had passed one to went into a gas station with a special Treasury device that noticed that serial number belonged on a $5, not a $20. I suggested the man instruct his defense attorney to ask one simple question, “How do you counterfeit ‘counterfeit’ money?”

The man walked over to a special phone and called his attorney. Two days later he was called into a special hearing. That evening he came over to the table and told me he had been called to court for a traffic matter from three years prior. That judge added 30 days onto his already long satisfied sentence from years prior and his attorney informed him on his way back that the district attorney had lost all his computer equipment and was dropping the ‘counterfeiting’ charges. Thirty days later, the man was free. I remained for a little while because the newspapers had indicted me for bankrupting the United States of America (triggering the Montana Freeman Standoff with a Comptroller Warrant).

Police scanners indicate that ever since nobody is accused of counterfeiting. The charge for mimicking FRNs is now “Forgery”. That makes sense.

Money and debt currency is really quite simple. You are having trouble adjusting out of some pre-conditioning and this prevents you from looking at things in their simplicity.

This bill of exchange is energy-based. Not debt/death based. It however is designed to track the debt for its value. Sunset of the Bretton Woods Agreements, debt forgiveness of the poorer nations first; things like that. There is a global natural law grace period from out of ancient Babylon of 30 days. See Daniel 6:7. So notice the cure period of the bill of exchange was September 11, 2001.

You may have noticed the spelling of Jacques Sanchara’s name above. His family nomen is in all upper case letters. Jaikaran is his family’s name, not his. His name is Jacques Sanchara. I use the French convention [ -] for this nomenclature because you would find it hard to find the book if I only told you his true name. And I do not want you to think his nom de plume is his name. But the Club uses the same convention in reference to their own. Did you notice that President Jacques Chirac of France was always in the middle of every financial issue during the Clinton Administration? The Jamaica/Rambouillet accord piggybacked the Bretton Woods Agreements and removed the fixed exchange rate of the domestic/foreign Dollar to floating by basing the currency exchange rate on Special Drawing Rights against men and women (Birth Certificate as bond) instead of gold – late 1975. Custodians of this Treasury are referred to as the Scepter in the Holy Bible with reference to the Messiah of God as “Shiloh”. The Crown Templar Society and its Freemasonry descendant organizations always have been the militant guardian arm of the Bloodline – the Priory of Sion. The Bloodline has traditionally resided in France. The symbols in the lobby at my clerk’s office are identical to the symbols on my sword.

But you will see that the Bretton Woods Agreement are to be sunset by April 4, 2006. That is what all the debt forgiveness is about. Collaterally dwindling my originally $3.6q bill of exchange. Wonderful! I am pretty good at spending but cannot think of a more worthy cause for so much money in my pocket. Releasing people held chattel.

You probably think that this just complicates things. Focus on your identity. That is where all relationships and contracts start. That should simplify the rest from there, shouldn’t it?

Ronald Dean got his funds restored with the bank writing letters of apology. But notice the bond the “United States of America” was required to pay to avoid arrest.


David Merrill.

True North Posted - 24 Nov 2004 : 10:32:03

I.E. slavery. You miss this little tidbit until you see Abraham not willing to give over any of these souls to the King of Sodom in the vale of Sidim or valley of the devils, (sidim = devils from Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew Lexicon)

You have to use the Shin (the SH sound in Hebrew with the dagesh (little dot) on the upper right corner), not the Sin (S sound with the dagesh in the upper left corner above the letter). Upon looking up the reference again, I find it at the bottom right of page 993 of my edition of the BDB (no edition number?). It is a masculine noun, an Assyrian loan word (not Arabic, duh).

Sedu, a protecting spirit, especially of bull colossus, demon. The cross reference is to the Aramaic - alef, dalet, yod, shin, (Strongs 07700 - shade or (plural) shadim and maybe etymologically where we get our word Shade for specters and ghosts - Ed.Note).

Looking further it deals with human sacrifice in Dt.32:17 ... They sacrificed unto devils, not to God ... The verb form is Shadad - to deal violently with, despoil, devastate, ruin (page 994 BDB).


One of the weakness of Strong's concordance is its departure from the Semitic forms and into dogmatic interpretations of some words. I have found a few of these departures and the word adam is one that even the BDB didn't catch. Look at dam (mem, dalet) in the BDB and it will be the word for blood. You can buy dam lipstick in Israel, I'm told, dam because it is red color. It was Jastro that first pointed out that dm (Mem, Dalet) is blood and the alef is, well the alef, a representation of all that He is and therefore silent and not pronounced. The reference to red earth and adam is dogma (IMnsHO).

Oneisraelite Posted - 24 Nov 2004 : 08:30:20
And thank you again!!
By the way, adam and edom appear to be the same Hebrew word if one removes the vowel pointings which did not exist originally.

BDB Definition:
1) to be red, red

'edom / 'edom
BDB Definition:
Edom = “red”
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from H122

...and when we go to H122, it says...

A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from H119

...which of course is the first one in this list.

fellowcitizen of the commonwealth of Yisra'el, NOT the STATE OF ISRAEL.
David Merrill Posted - 24 Nov 2004 : 07:57:48
The Patroons upon the Dutch East Indies Trading Company in the 1600s settled a permanent claim on and around Manhattan Island. David Rockefeller donated 18 acres for international soil under what is now the United Nations Plaza. METRO organization, albeit no longer running out of 1313 E. 60th Street in Evanston (Chicago), [] moved into Washington DC and operates through combinatorial mathematics (United Nations charter law) through municipal and police powers, what is called 'home rule'. The Edom/Cain (red/rosy) connection, read the Book of Obediah, can often be seen in the etymology of names. Rothschild is Red Shield. Roosevelt is Rosy Vest etc.

The Word; The Dictionary that Reveals the Hebrew Source of English by Yitzchak Elchanan - Isaac E. MOZESON [];

S(H)AW-UB(H)_____________[SH-A-BH >SOB]
ROOTS: A SOB is a gasping breath taken when crying, etc. Anglo-Saxon sobbian is linked to IE base words of swallowing and sucking in.
To suck in, absorb or draw (water) is (...) S(H)OAB(H) (Genesis 24:13).

BRANCHES: SIP, SIPHON, SOP (to absorb) and SUP relate. For synonyms see "SIP," for antonyms see "SEEP."

ROOTS: SOD means turf or lawn; here the dictionaries can only guess that SOD is "probably" related to SODDEN (soaked). (...) SODEH (field, land) is one Hebrew etymon for SOD. It appears in Genesis 4:8. Primarily, the term indicates irrigated (SODDEN) and cultivated land. This is evident in Polish sad (orchard). To see the roots of SOD, turn it upside down to DS.
(...) DASHA is to sprout or grow grass; (...) DESHE is the "grass" or lawn of Genesis 1:11.

BRANCHES: DASYURE and TUSSOCK are related to (...) DESHE or TESHE. DASHEEN, the edible sprouts of the taro, has no known etymon. One theory in Webster's is de ("of" in French) + Chine (China).
Returning to SD earth words, (...) SED is lime and (...) (YI)SOD is "foundation" - (I Kings 6:37). SODA, from Italian sodo (firm), should be related. SODA is officially linked to Latin solidus, whose source is taken up at "SLAM." SODDEN might relate to ST water terms, see "SOT."

ROOTS: SODIUM is commonly associated with salt, though SODIUM is supposed to derive from SODA (see "SOD"). Latin sedes is a foundation. Since Yi$oD is a foundation (Psalm 87:1), SODIUM has an Edenic source in any case. Linking it to the Biblical source of SODOMY (see “SODOMY”), $’DoaM (Sodom - Genesis 18:20), is an alternative.
The entire region of Sodom was to have been turned into a wasteland of "sulphur and salt" (Deuteronomy 29:22). The Dead Sea near Sodom is so saline that it makes Utah's Great Salt Lake look like a watering hole for animals on a low SODIUM diet. Lot's wife, who turns back toward the city, becomes a pillar of salt. The Arabs have named a mound of salt Jebel Usdum. To further spice the SODIUM/Sodom equation, note that "salt of Sodom" was common tablefare in the Near East according to first century Talmudic literature. The "-ium" suffix and spelling might, therefore, be the work of lexicographers rather than representative of the actual SDM salt word as it developed historically.
ROOTS: Back to the Samekh-Daled etymon for the provided Western source, many have heard of the fortress MASSADAH or the MOSSAD intelligence office. Less dramatic S-D tie-ins at “SEAT.”

ROOTS: SODOMY and SODOMITE are borrowed from (...) S'DOM (Sodom) the sinful city of Genesis 18-19. The fact that sexually aberrant behavior is not specifically mentioned in the Sodom story reinforces the point that even suggestions and connotations from Biblical place names or people names made their way into the English language.


PA-CEASE _____________________[PSS]
ROOTS: There is no IE root available for PIECE, but suggestions for an etymon include Old French pece, Late Latin pettia and a Celtic source seen in Welsh peth (little). PaSeeYS, PaTHeeYs or the modern standard PaTeeYT is a crumb, fragment, bit or "piece" in Leviticus 2:6. (...) PESA is a piece or slice; in Genesis 37:3 it means PATCHES in the quiltlike coat of many colors. Arabic passa is a verb of separating.

BRANCHES: (...) PASAS or PATAT is to crumble or break up (in the same Leviticus 2:6 as above). There are PIECE words like (...) PAS or PAT ("morsel" - Genesis 18:5) and (...) PESAG (to split or sever).
(...) BS(R) or BT(R) is both a verb and noun of pieces and of cutting into pieces - see Abraham's piecemaking at Genesis 15:10. (...) BATAR is to dissect, (...) BETAK is to cut and (...) BOOTAL is to separate, These BT and BD BITS are listed at IE root bheid (to split). Cognates of BIT and BITE include ABET, BAIT, BATEAU, BEETLE, BITTER, BOAT, BOATSWAIN, -FID, FIDDLE, FISSI-, FISSILE, FISSION and FISSURE. See "DIVIDED."


David Merrill.

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