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 Enemy of the State?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lewish Posted - 29 Apr 2006 : 12:52:00
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Are any of you aware that the U.S. military maintains a database that lists all enemies of the STATE?

Are you aware that your name is entered into this database as soon as the Birth Certificate is created, or if you come into the UNITED STATES on a Passport or Visa, or you get an SSN, or fill out a W-4, or get a Driver License, or numerous other ways?

Are you aware that this database is created under the provision of the TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT, 40 STAT. 411?

Are you aware that as long as your name is in this database you will treated as 14th Amendment chattel of the Corporation called the UNITED STATES?

Are you aware that you will never be treated as a Sovereign as long as your name is in this database?

Are you aware that you will never have Immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act as long as your name is in this database?

What say ye, brothers and sisters?

Lewis Vincent
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David Merrill Posted - 01 Jun 2006 : 09:18:13
Here is some information regarding the TWEA. The forum is distinctly commerce and I believe Lewis is correct within that scope. However I have not read page 411 carefully but I suspect it would have some form of tracking by the Executive written in.

The form of exercise of this control, noting War Powers have long been revoked except in banking is called irrecusable obligation - through taxation. Since only indirect taxation can be collected on Income, that means an event is taxed, not the Income. The event is endorsement - endorsement of FRNs as negotiable instruments obligates a person the same as Congress in drawing Private Credit.

When cashing checks or even withdrawing from your account with a Withdrawal Slip stamp or write above your signature, "Deposited for credit on account or exchanged for non-negotiable Federal Reserve Notes of equal value". This may raise eyebrows and some suitors got notes telling them to stop. After they did not stop the banks would notify them that the bank, upon advice of the attorneys was not guaranteeing endorsement of the FRNs in any way too. So the attorneys know what is going on with private credit and public money. The bank would of course rather not draw FRNs from the vault - they want you to create them off your Private Credit privileges.

While listening pay particular attention to the definition of Public Money; it includes legal tender. That is why FRNs say legal tender for all debts public and private! The author is wrong that you can exchange FRNs for US Notes. You can exchange Private Credit for Public Money. It may be confusing if you are trapped into conditioning that it is somebody else who determines whether the FRNs in your pocket are a confidence game (saying they are negotiable instruments) or debt notes. [If the Treasury agent pesters you about where you will be "spending" your FRNs tell him it is none of his business.*]


David Merrill.

* The other day I returned an item at Office Depot for a refund. The lady handed me back some FRNs and slid a paper across the counter saying, "I need your signature." I wrote "N/A". She looked confused so I assured her, "The Federal Reserve Notes you just gave me are non-negotiable." There was a line so she moved on but I think the matter went forward to completion largely because I was confident about what I said.
lcheson Posted - 01 May 2006 : 09:08:02
Greetings to all,

Brother Lewis, I would concur that there are a number of 'actions' or 'in-actions' that register any man as chattel of the STATE, and that any man who expresses rebellion to such inclusion is labeled an enemy. I can see 'why' it happens, yet can offer no evidence supporting lawful authority of 'how' it happens. What man has proof? How does the laws of man recognize the Kingdom of Heaven as included under 8USC 1101(14)? :

(14) The term “foreign state” includes outlying possessions of a foreign state, but self-governing dominions or territories under mandate or trusteeship shall be regarded as separate foreign states.

Are you aware that you will never have Immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act as long as your name is in this database?

Upon being told there is a rat in the cellar and more are on the way, I would first inquire how it may have gained access.

Executives (rats?) that assume authority may gladly release such a claim and purge their database could one proove exactly 'where' the self-governing dominion, aka, Kingdom of Heaven, exists. Otherwise one can be faced with questioning whether immunity is necessary at all.

but how does that include anyone who has a BC, comes into the US on a passport or visa, or has an SSN, or fills out a W-4, or DL, etc.?

Brother Jay Scott, they bait the hook a number of ways. We may all 'know' the scheme and how it operates, and are constantly perplexed over a real or imagined need to react. As your questions allude, operating under a system of STATE/federal equity, or guilty until prooven innocent, requires documented and substantiated proof required in fictional tribunals. Then comes remedy. So the question becomes, does one have lawful remedy, or simply a remedy that has lawful appearance?

Grace and Peace.

David Lee
Jay Scott Posted - 29 Apr 2006 : 19:30:39
Greets, Lewis,

I believe what you claim may be true. But so as not to go off half-cocked and for the benefit of the body, please substantiate and elaborate.

Are any of you aware that the U.S. military maintains a database that lists all enemies of the STATE?

I imagine some people would try something like this, as impossible as it may seem. The first question that comes to mind is, what do you mean by "enemy". I read the definitions from this link , but how does that include anyone who has a BC, comes into the US on a passport or visa, or has an SSN, or fills out a W-4, or DL, etc.?

Are you aware that this database is created under the provision of the TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT, 40 STAT. 411?

Would it be beneficial to specify the part of the TWEA that provides for this? Maybe not.

Are you aware that as long as your name is in this database you will treated as 14th Amendment chattel of the Corporation called the UNITED STATES?

What do you mean by "14th Amendment chattel"? What do you base your definition on? What is the connection to "enemy of the STATE" and "14th Amendment chattel"? (That may become apparent upon learning more about "14th Amendment chattel".) And, ultimately, what are the consequences of being treated as "14th Amendment chattel"?

Are you aware that you will never be treated as a Sovereign as long as your name is in this database?

What, specifically, do you mean by "Sovereign"? What are the consequences of being treated as Sovereign?

Are you aware that you will never have Immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act as long as your name is in this database?

What protection or consequence does immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act provide?

Please pardon the elementary nature of my questions, but I get the impression that the issue you bring forth is of utmost importance and enveloped in a haze of distraction and confusion. Not only is it difficult to overcome a lifetime of conditioning, but, if what you say has any truth to it, then there are forces of various natures trying desperately to obfuscate the issue and any potentially corrective measures.

Thanks for your patience and care.

Of course, upon some level of confidence in these claims, more questions would follow.

For the reader's benefit, here's a link to what appears to be the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA).

Be blessed.

Jay Scott

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