Richard Anthony
A "way" is a path common to all (Matthew 21:6-8). Thus, we use the term "common ways." The "world" uses terms such as "highways and byways, freeways, expressways, tollways, parkways, and driveways." These are terms to describe different kinds of ways, and sometimes their meanings are backwards. For example, the world says we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway. It should be the other way around; a driveway should be a way to drive on, and a parkway should be a way to park on. Anyway, by us using the term "common ways" instead, we are describing something that is common to all people, and at the same time, avoiding the words of the world.
In addition, we should try to avoid terms such as "road, travel, drive, motor vehicle, automobile, car, etc.," as these can be construed to denote commercial activity, since they are commercial terms created for commercial law. To descibe the mode of movement we use, we should use the terms of scripture, which would be "mule, vessel," etc., instead of "car, motor vehicle," etc. A vessel is a scriptural term which refers to a mode of movement, such as boats, our own bodies, and other things that are used to go from one place to another. In addition, instead of saying "I am driving this car," it is best to say "I am guiding this vessel."
A difficult question for all true followers of Christ is, "Should I take a license from the government or not?" The only answer is, "Not". The next question automatically follows, "What do I do when I get stopped for not having a current tag, registration, title, insurance and drivers license?" As always, the answer is found in scripture:
Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."You can do all things through the power of Christ (not man or worldly governments). We should wholly depend upon Him for all our power and authority to do what He will have us do. They do not come from an affection to things of the world or rights (privileges) given by men.
Therefore, when you are out on the "roads," you cannot be doing anything that is contrary to Scripture, in order to exercise your Duty of Movement and Liberty in Christ on the Common Ways. This would include, but is not limited to: speeding, reckless behavior with a six thousand pound machine, engaging in commercial activity for personal financial gain and profit through sales calls, a delivery service, transporting passengers or goods for a price, and other such acts of "disturbing the public peace". If you choose to engage in such activity, you will be fully controlled and regulated by those that exercise that job, for you will be looked at by them as a ‘low and lawless form of humanity’. You will be under the jurisdiction of, and regulated by, the god of commercial roads; Mercury.
Where lawful services are blended with such as are forbidden, the whole being a unit and indivisible, the bad destroys the good. Trist v. child, 21 Wall. 452 (1874).
To be blunt about it, every bondman of Christ who owns a so-called vehicle is presumed to be acting in the mode and character of a pagan (i.e., in commerce) because he has borne or given no evidence to the contrary. Is this not bearing false witness? In other words, when a man professes to be a follower and ambassador of Christ and yet acts in a manner that tells the whole world that he is a pagan, then he is bearing false witness to the whole world. Can the officer be blamed for writing his traffic ticket in such a case? Obviously not! These Christians honor God with their lips, but their heart is far from Him (Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 15:8, Mark 7:6).
On the other hand, if you act in the mode and character of a true bondman and ambassador of the Christ, there are alternatives to State licensure. And all presumptions are rebuttable. Your activity cannot be of a commercial nature, but limited to only one purpose; ministering for the Lord. This does not mean that you must be a minister "ordained" by men. It means that you live, move, and have your being in Christ; it means you are not doing your own will, but the will of the Father.
There are no gray areas. It’s either, "render unto Caesar" or "render unto God" (Luke 20:25). There are no guarantees or silver bullets available when dealing with Caesar, but there is the Promise of Christ, the Higher Power, for "with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible."(Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, Luke 1:37; 18:27). The shield of faith must be carried at all times. It is not a matter of "getting away with it," it is a matter of honoring the Father first and standing on the Word of God and bringing His truth to them, no matter what the consequences.
There's nothing wrong with being in an automobile, there's nothing evil about that. Even man's law, in their own court cases, admit that there's nothing inherently evil about an automobile; it's the guy behind the wheel. That's where the evil comes from. Also, most people believe that "roads" belong to the government. They don't. Just because the government paves over a way common to all does not make it theirs. After all, if the government comes to your home and paves your dirt driveway, does that now mean the driveway belongs to the government? Of course not. And their own laws confirm that the "roads" belong to the people, not the government.
The first thing to understand is that all codes, rules, and regulations that ‘govern’ the areas of transportation apply only to natural persons, residents, corporations, and other fictitious entities. They do not apply to the servants of Christ. Notice that the traffic laws of a State only apply to those who are residents or travelers within that State, and not to foreigners, transients, or sojourners:
"The sovereign authority can extend only over those who are subject to it; it cannot, therefore, regulate the rights of foreigners. But if they come within its territory, either to reside or travel, they are considered as submitting themselves to the authority of the laws of the country, and they are bound by them. This is perfectly reasonable, for during their stay in the country they are protected by its laws." 1 Bouvier’s Inst. of law (1851), page 38.
Notice that to ‘travel’ is synonymous with being a 'resident.'
"Within the meaning of ‘a right to travel’, means migration with intent to settle and abide." Strong v. Collatos, D.C. Mass., 450 F. Supp. 1356, 1360.
"Nom de guerre - a war name; an assumed traveling name; a pseudonym." Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary, Unabridged (World Publishing Company, 1969); Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases, page 1202.
‘Traveling’ and ‘driving’ are purely commercial terms. Therefore, you should use the term "exercising my duty of movement on the Common Ways". As Scripture says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Philippians 4:13). Only in this way can you bring God’s Law and your ambassadorship into a potential situation with the military police. Also notice that a Nom de guerre, a fictitious name, is a ‘traveling name’, meaning you are a ‘resident,’ and under the jurisdiction of the State.
When you carry a license (which always has a fictitious name spelled in all capital letters on it), you are looked upon by these powers as one of theirs. It is evidence of your status, as a natural person, a resident, and not an ambassador and sojourner in Christ. The primary evidence of who and what you are is found in how you conduct yourself when confronted by the ‘road patrol’.
The police have the ability to use their discretion. If they feel that you are speaking the truth as to who and what you are (Matthew 12:37, "For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.") and are not a threat to the peace and safety of the public, they may respect those convictions and let you go. Or, they may take you to jail and impound your vessel, or they may not. It may appear to be a negative experience for one that decides to take this stand, but appearances can be deceptive. The important thing to remember is that it is for the Lord's sake; therefore:
Hebrews 13:5, "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
Reservations Some people have reservations about not having a license. Some feel justified in getting a license if they use their vessel to exercise God's Will. For example, someone may use their pick-up truck because they feel it's God's Will that they plant trees. And if their vessel gets impounded and they get thrown in jail for driving without a license and tags, then they will not be able to continue doing God's Will, because they will no longer have a vehicle to do that.
First of all, God does not require us to sin in one of His Laws (entering into a covenant with the heathen, and being unequally yoked with them) in order to exercise His Will. If it's His Will we do something, and we feel we must break one of his laws in order to do His Will, then we better ask ourselves, "Is it really His Will I am doing, or my own?"
Secondly, let me ask you a question. Can mere man thwart God's Will? Of course not. If he can, that would mean man is sovereign over God, and God is helpless. So, knowing man cannot thwart God's Will, one should not worry that man will prevent you from exercising God's Will! If you fear that you won't be able to continue doing God's Will if you lose your vessel, then you are saying man is more powerful than God! If man does prevent you from doing what you thought was God's Will, then maybe that's God's way of telling you it was not His Will in the first place, and he may be directing you to a different calling.
Some people are not willing to lose "their" vessel for the Lord's sake, but scripture does tell us that we will be persecuted for standing in the Truth (Matthew 5:10-12; 10:22; 24:9, Mark 13:13, Luke 21:17, John 15:20). We will be persecuted, but it's for His purposes. Besides, who is the One who has provided you with that vessel? Yourself or God? If you are living in the Truth, you know that God has. Therefore, what makes you think that He will not provide another vessel for you? It comes down to faith, or a lack of faith.
Remember what Jesus said:
Matthew 5:40, "And if any man (i.e. cops, attorneys, etc.) will sue thee at the law (i.e. arrested and brought before the judge for placing God's Will above man's will), and take away thy coat (i.e. car, land), let him have thy cloke also."Why does Jesus tell us to let our possessions go? Because those who want "their" things back would be coveting! And coveting may prevent one from having eternal life! Look at this question that was asked to Jesus by a wealthy man:
Matthew 19:16, "And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?"Then Jesus repeated some of God's Commandments. The man said he had kept all of them. Then Jesus told the man he must be willing to give up his possessions also (verse 21).
Matthew 19:22, "But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions."That man refused to let go of his possessions, and he left Jesus! He could not be part of the Kingdom if he was not willing to let go of his possessions! Why? Because Christ's kingdom is spiritual, not physical. God will supply our physical needs (Matthew 6:31-33, Luke 12:22-31, Philippians 4:19, Psalms 34:10). That man had no faith that God would supply his needs, but he wanted to put that faith in his current possessions...just in case God didn't keep his promise to supply him with his needs. After all, he may have been thinking to himself, "Why put faith in God to supply my needs when I already have the things I need? Why should I risk losing them? I like my physical possessions." But when the rich man left, Jesus told his audience:
Matthew 19:23-24, "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."Let this be a warning to those who are not willing to part with their possessions. For those who would rather covet "their" vessel and keep it, rather than risk losing it for rightousness sake, then you may want to think about this; Caesar and his swarms of officers can take "your" vessel away from you for any reason they want. Would you rather have protection from Caesar (which means you must forsake the Father), or would you rather have protection from Almighty God (by using Him as a shield and obeying His Law)? He is truly a more powerful shield than Caesar and his codes, rules, and regulations.
If you do lose your possessions because of righteousness sake, we are not to have any anomosity towards those who steal from us, but we are to forgive them:
Mark 11:26, "But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses."This is where the Peace of Christ comes in. No matter what man does to us, we will always have the assurance that God will take care of our needs.
Jurisdictions There are steps you can take to make it much harder for Caesar to impound what our Father has given you. The following are some steps you may do to take your "mule" or "vessel" out of Caesar's jurisdiction. Keep in mind that Caesar may still take your vessel, even after you do the following steps, but at least it will remove the "presumption" that your vessel belongs to Caesar.
Junk the Title to the vessel. A variety of terms are used in the several States for this. Some are 'scrapped title', 'destroying the title,' etc. It is best to inquire at the DMV in your state for this procedure. Usually all you need do is write "Junked" on the title, and go to the department and proceed to remove it from their system. They will either remove the title from their computers, or it will be acknowledged as junked. DO NOT remove the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) from the vessel. This number does not give the State jurisdiction over the vessel, once the title has been junked and removed from their records.
Throw away the driver's license and registration.
Cancel Insurance.
Remove all "corporate brand names" from the interior and exterior of the so-called vehicle. This helps remove its commercial character. In addition, you can replace these brand names with a seal designating that it belongs to Christ Jesus. The idea is to make it distinguishable from the corporate world.
Make diplomatic plates for the front and rear. Choose your own scripture passage, as the Holy Spirit moves you. It's better to make the plate a different dimension than State plates (i.e., half inch larger or smaller). The following are some examples of a "brand" (also called a "tag" or "plate") to put on your vessel.
You may also put a little square sticker in the corner of the plate. Such as:
1 Tim 4:6
No Passengers
Not for Hire
Second Peter
Three: Ten
Display ambassador flags. One brother has told us that he does not even have any plates, but instead, has four white flags on each corner of his vessel. He has been doing it this way for a long time, and the police have never pulled him over. He says police seem intimidated when they see that, and don't know what to do, so they move on. After all, ambassadors from other countries have flags on their cars also, and they have full immunity from the laws of the country they're sojourning in; police have no jurisdiction to write ambassadors a ticket! And yes, we are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20, Ephesians 6:20). Here is a definition of what a white flag indicates:
"Flag of truce: A white flag displayed by one of two belligerent parties to notify the other party that communication and a cessasion of hostilities are desired." Black's Law Dictionary, (3rd edition, 1933), page 790.This fits with what ambassadors of Christ do. Those who are of the world are the enemies of God, and we wish to communicate and to cease hostilities with them; not by compromise, not by surrender, but by bringing them the Truth. We wish hostilites to cease, not only between us and them, but between their own hearts and minds.
Psalms 60:1,4-5, "O God...Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah. That thy beloved may be delivered;"Song of Solomon 2:4, "He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love."
Isaiah 13:2-3, "Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles. I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness."
This same Hebrew word for banner is also translated as "standard." God commanded that His children place a "standard" or "ensign" around their "camp."
Numbers 1:52, "And the children of Israel shall pitch their tents, every man by his own camp, and every man by his own standard, throughout their hosts."Numbers 2:2, "Every man of the children of Israel shall pitch by his own standard, with the ensign of their father's house:"
See also Numbers 2:3,10,18,25; 10:14,18,22,25 for other examples. Here are the definitions of "banner" and "standard."
"Banner: A piece of cloth attached by its edge, originally on its side, to a pole or staff and used as a standard by a king..." Webster's New International Dictionary, 1931, page 179."Banner: A square flag; a military ensign; the principle standard of a prince or state." Webster's Dictionary, 1828.
"Standard: Something elevated as a signal or beacon." Webster's New International Dictionary, 1931, page 2031.
"Standard: 1. An ensign of war. 2. That which is established by sovereign power as a rule or measure by which others are to be adjusted." Webster's Dictionary, 1828.
Confronting Officers
The following "Questions and Answers" section is simply an overview of the perspective from which you must speak and the attitude you must take when dealing with those that wish to pillage and plunder that which the Lord has provided for you to minister for Him. We don't want to put words in your mouth or create a rehearsal for memorizing lines as in a play. We simply hope to display possible responses from a spiritual point of view, and to show how we can use the Sword of the Word to quench the fiery darts of the wicked (Ephesians 6:16). The questions will never be the same, and the answers must always come from the heart through the Holy Spirit, not from the reasoning brain. Therefore,
Luke 12:11-12, "When they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say."Luke 21:14-15, "Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist."
When confronting police and other government employees, you should have the attitude to look upon them as a blessing, as well as an opportunity to witness to them. Answer all "law enforcement service providers" with the words of your Master, always and continually avoiding the general issue in Law. Speak slow, don't be quick to answer. Reflect the character of Christ.
Also, whenever any bondman of Christ goes anywhere, he should not go alone, but have another brother or sister with him (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, Matthew 11:2; 18:20; 21:1, Mark 6:7; 11:1; 14:13, Luke 7:19; 10:1; 19:29, John 1:35, 37, Acts 9:38). This not only meets the scriptural requirement of establishing every word in the mouth of two or three witnesses (Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15, Matthew 18:16, 2 Corinthians 13:1, 1 Timothy 5:19, Hebrews 10:28), but it follows the examples of our Master sending out the apostles in pairs. Having another with you also gives you strength, because there is strength in numbers.
It is no sin to stand mute when questioned by government officials (Matthew 27:12-14, Mark 15:3-5). Silence cannot be misquoted. However, you are mandated to confess Christ to avoid the malicious plans of men (Matthew 10:32-33, Romans 10:9).
The Bible verses included in these answers are for your reference only, to show that these are the words that God has given us to use. Do not quote bible chapter and verse numbers to any government authority (such as saying "John 3:16"), but only quote the actual verses word for word, because the chapter and verse numbers were added by man, and aren’t part of the Scriptures themselves. Jesus and all the prophets quoted only the words from scripture, without saying what book, chapter, and verse they were written in, because that is sufficient. And you should proceed Scripture verses with, "It is written," "The Scripture saith," or you can say, "It has been written from the beginning" to make clear that God’s Word is from the beginning, and that anything man invents has no standing, even according to their own maxim of law, which states "what comes first in time, is best in law." If asked by an officer, "Where does it say so-and-so in the Bible?" you can respond with their maxim, "Ignorance of the law does not excuse misconduct in anyone, least of all a sworn officer of the law."
Warning: Do not ever keep a copy of this paper with you while you are on the roads. If you do, and the police see it, it will nullify your witness, because the words you speak are not coming from your heart as guided by the Holy Spirit, but are coming from a piece of paper. The "authorities" will see by your actions that you lack faith, and they will not believe that you mean what you say. More important than the words that come out of your mouth is whether or not you are sincere in what you speak. If you are simply repeating what somebody else told you, you are not being sincere. These are not just words that you're parroting, because even the natural man knows when you're lying because he walks in a lie all the time, so he recognizes his own. Therefore, you have to speak the things that are written on your heart, directed by the Holy Spirit. In addition, you should carry a copy of Scripture with you at all times.
Questions and Answers
[Note to women: If you are a woman under the covering of a man, you may either use this section to reply to an officer, or you may simply do the following. Whenever the officer asks you a question, you may reply, "I am under the covering of my husband (father, brother, etc.). You will have to speak to him," to each and every question he asks, no matter what he asks you. If and when he asks where your man is, you may reply as our Lord did, "come and see" (John 1:38-39). If he wants to talk with him, he will have to follow you to get to your man. Make sure you do not give the impression that you are "refusing" to answer his questions, but that you cannot answer his questions because you are under the covering of your man, and he is your head. You may also say that you are commanded by your husband to remain silent, which removes the burden from yourself].Officer: (While approaching)
Bondservant: Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ. Do you greet me in the same name? (If he or she does not answer you, ask in whose name they do greet you. You will then know who and what you are dealing with).Officer: Let me see your driver's license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance.
Bondservant: I have something better.Officer: What’s that?
Bondservant: I have here the Holy Scriptures which describes and defines me as an ambassador and bondman of Jesus the Christ, executing His Testament. Are you?Officer: Yes. (If he says "No, I'm just a cop," ask him who he ministers for).
Bondservant: Well, praise God. Perhaps you would like to sit down and discuss the scriptures for a moment?Officer: Some other time. I need to see some State ID.
Bondservant: Well, I don’t belong to the State, but to God our Father, and He knows me. In His Law, there is no requirement for ID, because I’m sealed by His Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30), which marks and separates me from the natural man (1 Corinthians 2:14). This (holding up the scripture) is the Law I follow; the Law of God.Officer: Oh! So you're religious, huh?
Bondservant: No, I'm not religious. Religion is death. I serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, which is Life.Officer: What is your name?
Bondservant: Are you asking me for my God-given name?Officer: No, I'm asking you for your first, middle, and last name.
Bondservant: Well, I don't have a first, middle, and last name. But I do have a God-given name. Is that what you're asking me for?Officer: Okay then...yea yea yea. What is your God-given name?
Bondservant: I will also ask of you one question, and if you answer me, I will answer your question (Mark 11:29). Who do you minister for?Officer: I am not a minister. Now what is your name?
Bondservant: I'll re-phrase my question. In whose name, and by whose authority, do you do the things you do?Officer: Have you ever been arrested before?
Bondservant: I need to know in whose name you do the things you do before I answer that question, because you came to me, I did not come to you.Officer: I am conducting an investigation and I need to know who you are to continue my investigation.
Bondservant: Well, when you answer in whose name you do the things you do, then you may proceed with your investigation.Officer: I work for the city/state/country of (name). Now what is your name?
Bondservant: Out of your own mouth you have testified that you do not minister for God, through Christ Jesus. I am a bondman of Christ Jesus, and I am commanded by Him to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's (Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25). I do have a name that God has given me (John 10:3, Revelation 2:17) because I am subject to His Authority, as you are. However, Caesar has not given me a name, nor called me anything at anytime. Since I have not been given a name by Caesar, I do not have a name that can be rendered to him. (To clarify, by rendering our name to the servants of God, we are rendering our name to God, because His servants act in His name). No man can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).
Officer: I will ask you one more time. Tell us who you are!
Bondservant: I am who my Father says I am.Officer: So, who does your father say you are?
Bondservant: If you knew my Father, you would know who I am (1 John 3:1, John 8:19; 14:7). My name is written in the Lamb's book of Life (Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5; 21:27), and if your name was written in there as well, you would know who I am.Officer: Well, I can't let you go until I have your name.
Bondservant: If I give you my name, I'd be subjecting myself to you. I can't do that. Besides, it's not the physical name that's important, it's what is written on our heart that's important. That is who I am.
[Note: In some places they will arrest you and leave you in jail until you do give them a "name." Therefore, if the officer asks what he should call you, you may say to the officer, "I do not have a name, but you may call me (giving your Christian name, not your family name)." This way, you are telling them you do not have a name given by Caesar, and at the same time, satisfying their request for something to call you by. If, after you give them your name...Officer: Hmmm. Well, your name is not in our computer!
Bondservant: Well, what law says that I have to be in your computer?]
Officer: You are interfering with a law enforcement officer in the execution of his duties. I could bring you in for obstructing justice.
Bondservant: I could not possibly be interfering with whatever your duties may be because I'm speaking the Truth to you. Are you saying that because I speak the truth you hate me? (John 8:45-47).Officer: I don't hate you.
Bondservant: Do you want me to speak the Truth to you, or do you want me to tell you what you want to hear?Officer: The truth.
Bondservant: Well that is what I'm speaking to you.Officer: Well, that's your belief.
Bondservant: No, this has nothing to do with belief, this has to do with the truth. It is written in your law that the cause of the church is a public cause, and private interpretation is irrelevant.Officer: Well, I don't want to hear that stuff.
Bondservant: Excuse me. What I have to say has importance to everyone. I am speaking the truth to you, and the truth has an effect on everything you and I do. In rejecting the truth, men reject its Author. In trampling upon the law of God, they deny the authority of the Law-giver.Officer: Well, I believe in the principles of Jesus.
Bondservant: So what? That doesn't mean anything. Either you're for Him or you're against Him (Matthew 12:30). Those who are lukewarm, Christ will spue out of his mouth (Revelation 3:16). Either you place Him as Lord over you're life or you don't.Officer: You are too narrow. I am an expert on world religions. I have traveled to many countries and have had long discussions with the leaders of many religious groups. I have discussed the road of life through time and eternity with Muslims, Brahins, Shintoists, and many others. All of them know God, even though they do not believe in Jesus Christ. I am sorry to have to disagree with you, but you put too much emphasis on Jesus Christ and do not allow that other religions are just as good as Christianity.
Bondservant: Your argument is not with me, but with the scripture. It is not I who say these things, it is the Word of God. Jesus said that no man can come to the Father but by Him (John 14:6). If you wish to dispute someone, dispute Him. (Remember, you are not called to convince anyone, you are simply called to be an open channel for the Spirit of God to flow through. You can never be anything else, even though you may think so at times. Follow the pathway of obedience, let the Word of God do its own work, and you will be used by God far beyond your own powers).Officer: Do you have any weapons?
Bondservant: Only the sword of Truth (holding up the scriptures)...we are after the Truth, yes? The weapons of my warfare are not carnal, but spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:4, Ephesians 6:11-20). I realize you're engaged in war, otherwise you wouldn't be carrying that gun, but I walk in peace, and therefore I come in peace.Officer: Do you mind if I search you then?
Bondservant: You will do whatever you deem is necessary to accomplish your intended purpose.Officer: You are entitled at least to an opinion.
Bondservant: I have no entitlements from Caesar, and opinions are not Law, and have no standing in Law.Officer: I found this paper (document, certificate, bible, etc) with a name on it. Are you (name)?
Bondservant: You say I am (Luke 22:70; 23:3).Officer: No, I am asking you if you are the person on this paper.
Bondservant: You say I am (Matthew 27:11, Mark 15:2).Officer: I did not make a statement. I asked an interrogatory. Do you know what an interrogatory is?
Bondservant: You say I do.Officer: An interrogatory is a question. I am going to ask you again. Are you (name)?
Bondservant: You are accusing me of being the person on that piece of paper. Therefore, you say I am (John 18:37).Officer: Then how do you introduce yourself to others?
Bondservant: I don’t. Did I run up to you and do that?Officer: No.
Bondservant: There is your answer.Officer: I am a Christian just like you are.
Bondservant: Well then, that means we're brothers! And if we're brothers we have the same Father. And therefore, we already know one another. You don't need to ask me for any ID, or where I live, or where I was born, because those things are of the flesh, and they don't mean anything. What need have you of ID after I've shown you that I am a bondman of Christ?Officer: We don't know who you are.
Bondservant: I don't know who you are.Officer: Is there anybody here who can verify who you are?
Bondservant: My Father knows me, and if you knew my Father, as you say you do, then you already know me, for He sends me. The Holy Spirit knows me, and all of the saints of heaven bear witness of who I am. Which, even you must admit, makes it a majority.Officer: But how do I know that you are who you say you are?
Bondservant: The scripture says, "If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him." (John 10:37-38).Officer: Everyone in this country must be identified.
Bondservant: Yes, all "persons" do.Officer: Oh, I suppose you're not a person. What are you then, an entity?
Bondservant: No, I'm not an entity, and I'm not a right and duty bearing unit. As I have told you, I'm a bondman of Christ Jesus, and I'm here to speak the truth. Under the law of slaves, slaves are not persons.Officer: That is all well and good. But you have to understand, you must have a license or some kind of identification when you are out here on the roads.
Bondservant: I have a higher Law that I must answer to. The scripture says, "I can do all things through Christ [not the government] which strengtheneth me" (Philippians 4:13). If I had a license, I’d be forsaking the Father and His Law. I am not out here hurting anybody. I am doing the Will of my Father. And under His Law no identification is required for he has already identified me by the testimony I keep. The Christ’s assembly does not exist on paper, but in the hearts of men, and is expressed in their outward acts. Because there is no breath of Life from God in such pieces of paper (Genesis 2:7; 7:15), I do not look to them for any authority for doing anything. Christ is my authority for doing the things I do.Officer: Can you not show me something, such as a passport or some kind of identity documents?
Bondservant: I cannot show you a Passport or any identity documents, for my King does not issue them.Officer: Who is your passenger?
Bondservant: I do not have a passenger, he's my brother and we're exercising God's Will.Officer: Do you own this vehicle?
Bondservant: Firstly, slaves are incapable of 'ownership'. Being a servant of Christ, I am not an owner of anything, for it has been written from the beginning, "The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein" (Psalms 24:1, 1 Corinthians 10:26). Officer, are you not a ‘public servant’? As a servant, this police car does not belong to you, but to your master, whom you serve. Likewise, I am a servant, and this vessel belongs to my Master, whom I serve. If you were to go to the DMV and attempt to get a title to that police car by claiming you are the "owner," would you not be bearing false witness? Likewise, I would be bearing false witness by claiming that I am the owner of this vessel and attempting to get a title. Secondly, you presume this is a vehicle.Officer: Under the traffic laws of this state, a motor vehicle is defined as ‘every vehicle which is self-propelled’ (or "any vehicle which is propelled by mechanical power, and not human power").
Bondservant: Then, by your own law, this is not a motor vehicle, because it is not self-propelled (or "not propelled by mechanical power"). It's propelled by fuel, which comes from God. If you believe it is self-propelled, then call it, and see if it comes to you. If it does not come to you, then your reality is different from mine.Officer: Does this car belong to you?
Bondservant: No, it’s not mine, but it is in my care. I can’t own anything, everything belongs to God (Psalm 24:1). I am a joint heir with Christ Jesus (Romans 8:17). And it is written in your maxims of law that no one can be both owner and heir at the same time. I’m simply using this vessel to exercise my duty of movement on the Common Ways (Galatians 5:1). God gave me this as a stewardship to do His Will. It belongs to Him, because he made it.Officer: No, the car manufacturer made it.
Bondservant: And where did the manufacturer get all this metal from? Didn’t they get it from the ore in the earth? God created all the materials that are used in this machine. Therefore, God created it. The manufacturer simply used materials that God already created. "For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God" (Hebrews 3:4).Officer: Well, since this car is not yours, then give it to me!
Bondservant: It is not mine to give.Officer: Well, how would you feel if I just took this car, since it's not yours?
Bondservant: I came into this world without a vessel, and I'll depart from this world without a vessel. I would have no hard feelings if you took it, because you'd be stealing from God, not me; and God will continue to supply me with my needs (Matthew 6:31-33, Luke 12:22-31, Philippians 4:19, Psalms 34:10).Officer: (Pointing to the diplomatic plates) What is this?
Bondservant: These are diplomatic plates, for the scripture says, "we are ambassadors for Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:20). This plate evidences Who I serve and minister for, the jurisdiction I’m under, and the Law I follow.Officer: What State are they from?
Bondservant: They're from the state of Christendom.Officer: Where did you get these plates?
Bondservant: They are given to me by the Christ's assembly.Officer: Where is the Christ's assembly located?
Bondservant: The whole body of believers in Christ are His assembly, where two or three are gathered in His name (Matthew 8:20).Officer: You can't do that. You can't use those plate.
Bondservant: Why not? The government is upon Christ's shoulder (Isaiah 9:6).
Officer: (If there are State issued license plates on car) These plates belong to Caesar!
Bondservant: No, that's not Caesar's. Caesar claims it's his, but the substance belongs to God.Officer: So, you think you’re above the law, huh?
Bondservant: The word ‘Law,’ to a minister of Christ, means the Word of God. I am not above the Law of God at any time, but I am always justified in not performing those things which have men for their author and exalt themselves by opposing the righteous authority of God. I cannot accept the authority of man above that of God, for the scripture says, "We ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29).Officer: You deny the authority of man’s law?
Bondservant: God’s Word denies his authority. There is only one lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22, James 4:12). God Almighty.Officer: Where were you going in your car?
Bondservant: Wherever God leads me. He directs my comings and goings during my sojourn here with Him. Our Lord tends me as a shepherd and leads me as He will and I follow Him ( Psalms 23:1).Officer: Where do you live?
Bondservant: I live, move and have my being in Christ Jesus (Luke 4:4, John 11:25, Galatians 2:20).Officer: Where do you live, physically?
Bondservant: I live wherever I happen to be at the time. Right now, I live right here where I am standing. [If you say you live someplace else, then you’re admitting you’re dead, spiritually dead, because you’re not ‘living’ here but somewhere else. You cannot "live" in two places at once.]Officer: Where is your home?
Bondservant: Right here (point to your heart).Officer: Where is your residence, abode, domicile, or dwelling?
Bondservant: I "have no certain dwellingplace" (1 Corinthians 4:11) because I’m a sojourner on the land with Him (Leviticus 25:23, Psalm 39:12, 1 Chronicles 29:15, Hebrews 11:13). And the scripture says, "The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head" (Matthew 8:20, Luke 9:58).
[As a matter of fact, Jesus was asked this very question, "where dwellest thou?" and we may answer as he did...] "come and see" (John 1:38-39). [He said "come and see me live! You can see where I live by observing my life." Jesus did not say "Well, I'm a resident of Nazareth," or "I dwell in that house over there," or "I live in Israel." Giving somebody an address, or a physical location, doesn't prove that that's where you live. But by saying "come and see," you're saying "come and witness it!"]Officer: Where does your family live?
Bondservant: My brother, sister, and mother are whosoever shall do the will of God (Matthew 12:49-50, Luke 8:21). Therefore, they too live, move, and have their being in Christ Jesus.Officer: Where did you sleep last night?
Bondservant: I slept in a tent. [We do indeed sleep in a tent, but not the tent that he might be thinking of. We're not using deceit, we're speaking in a spiritual manner. In scripture, a tent is synonymous with a tabernacle; the words "tent" and "tabernacle" are both tranlslated from the same word. Our physical body is a tabernacle (2 Corinthians 5:1-4). A tent reflects the body's transient character; it's a temporary dwelling place. Even though we did not sleep in a literal tent, we are in a tabernacle and, therefore, that is where we slept.]Officer: Well, where'd you sleep in this tent? On the mountain or down in the valley?
Bondservant: Neither.Officer: What do you mean neither? It's either one or the other.
Bondservant: It doesn't really matter.Officer: Well, what street was it close to?
Bondservant: It doesn't really matter.Officer: What is your citizenship?
Bondservant: My citizenship is not of this world (John 18:36). I'm a fellow citizen with the saints, and of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19).Officer: What country are you from?
Bondservant: New Jerusalem, the heavenly Jerusalem (Hebrews 11:16; 12:22-24, Revelation 3:12; 21:2).Officer: So what are you, an angel or something?
Bondservant: That's right. I'm a messenger of God. (In scripture, an angel is synonymous with a messenger; the words "angel" and "messenger" are both tranlslated from the same word, and refer to men as well as spiritual angels).Officer: Well, where do you receive your mail?
Bondservant: I do not receive mail. I call for First-Class matter from time to time on behalf of the Christ's assembly posted to us in the general post-office. [Note: if you pick up mail at the general post-office addressed to "the Christ's assembly", you are not receiving mail in your own name, but in the name of Christ. It is addressed to all believers in Christ, not you. You can keep an opened post-marked envelope in the glove box to evidence this fact.]Officer: What’s your phone number?
Bondservant: I do not have a phone number. [Technically, all phone numbers belong to the phone company].Officer: What's your zip code?
Bondservant: I do not have a zip code. Nobody really has a zip code. Zip codes belong to the Post Office.Officer: What's your Social Security number?
Bondservant: I do not have Social Security number. I'm forbidden to be marked by a number from the government (1 Chronicles 21:2-14, 2 Samuel 24, Revelation 13:16-18; 14:9-11; 16:2; 19:20).Officer: When were you born?
Bondservant: We were all made in His image and likeness on the sixth day (Genesis 1:26-27), but God has never told us when that was. I cannot put a particular date on that.Officer: How old are you?
Bondservant: I don't know. Only my Father knows that and He has never told me.Officer: Where were you born?
Bondservant: I don’t know, I was not exactly cognizant at the time. To venture a guess would be telling a lie. It would be a conclusion based upon hearsay only, and in both your law and God's Law, hearsay is not the truth. Besides, this is irrelevant to a Good and Lawful minister of Christ. It’s not our first birth from corruptible seed that’s important (1 Peter 1:23), but our second birth, when we’re "born again" (John 3:3,7). The first birth is of the world, the second birth is of God (John 1:12-13).Officer: How is it that you don’t have a birth date?
Bondservant: Only my Father knows where and when I was born, and he has never revealed it to me.Officer: Which father are you talking about?
Bondservant: My heavenly Father.Officer: Well, what about your earthly father? Has he told you when or where you were born?
Bondservant: That's irrelevant, because that's hearsay, and hearsay is not the truth. I can only speak of things which I have seen and heard (Acts 4:20).Officer: What are you trying to hide?
Bondservant: What are you trying to make me say?Officer: The truth.
Bondservant: Well, I am speaking the Truth to you. It is written in your law that no one is bound to do what is impossible. You're asking me to give you answers that are impossible for me to give you. I cannot give you that which I do not have, and I cannot tell you that which I do not know.Officer: How much do you weigh? How tall are you?
Bondservant: I don't speculate about such things.Officer: Where do you work?
Bondservant: Work is not a place, it's an activity. And I do the works of God everywhere in general, nowhere specific.Officer: How do you earn your living?
Bondservant: I don't earn my life. God gives life freely.Officer: Where do you get money to stay so clean and wear your clothes?
Bondservant: When God guides, God provides.Officer: Do you work for a living?
Bondservant: How can I work for a living when I'm already alive? I labour for the Lord and he provides for all of my needs.Officer: And what do you do when you labour for the Lord?
Bondservant: I do whatever the Lord directs me to do.Officer: Can you be a little more specific?
Bondservant: I work as a _______ from time to time.Officer: (If the initiating officer goes back to his car to call in for advice, and leaves you with an officer to keep an eye on you, you can say something like…)
Bondservant: Well, I’m here to execute Christ’s Testament and bear witness to somebody, so perhaps you’re here for that purpose. (Their eyes might get real big at this point, so continue). How are you with the Lord?Officer: Oh, I’m OK.
Bondservant: Well, that doesn’t sound too enthusiastic. Do you study the scriptures?Officer: No. I don’t have time. I’m a working single mother with two jobs and a seven year old boy.
Bondservant: (Continue witnessing. When the initiating officer returns, you may close with…) Be sure and take some time to study. If not for yourself, then for the boy’s sake.Officer: (If other officers arrive, you may witness to them as well).
Bondservant: Do you ever read the scripture?Officer: No, I am a cop (or if he says he's a marxist, a communist, etc., just fill in the blanks of the following reply).
Bondservant: The scripture was written especially for cops. It says that God so greatly loved cops that he gave His only begotten Son so that any cop who believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).Officer: I would love to ask Jesus to come into my heart, but I cannot. I am a Jew.
Bondservant: You cannot ask Jesus into your heart because you are a Jew? Then you do not understand that with the Jew (Jesus) in your heart, you are a double Jew. On the divine side He was God's Son. On man's side He was a Jew. When you accept Him you do not become a Gentile. You become even more Jewish than before. You will be a completed Jew! (Romans 2:28 -29).Officer: (Now, the initiating officer returns...) Are you a resident or a non-resident?
Bondservant: Neither. My Father has never described me as either of those.Officer: You're lying. You're either one or the other.
Bondservant: I am not lying, I am speaking the truth. How would you know the Truth when you have cast away the Law of God behind you and forsaken Him (Isaiah 5:24)? You cannot know the Truth, and if you cannot know the Truth, you can never know a lie.Officer: I don't like your answers.
Bondservant: If I were to answer you any other way, I'd be lying to you. Are you compelling me to lie to you?Officer: We all must obey the laws of the land.
Bondservant: Yes, that is true. But the law of the land is not man's law, it is God's Law.Officer: You were driving this car, and all drivers must have a license.
Bondservant: I am not driving a car, I am guiding this vessel to do the Lord's Will.Officer: There is such a thing as separation of Church and State.
Bondservant: Well, anybody that believes that the Law of God and the law of the land are separate, they've deluded themselves. That's not living in the truth, that's living in an image of someone else's idea. Is there any law that man can create which sets the bounds of God's Law?Officer: You know, the scripture says, "the powers that be are ordained of God" (Romans 13:1).
Bondservant: Yes, and I am to submit to the King as supreme, and also to the governors, as to them who are sent by Him, for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well (1 Peter 2:14).Officer: Well then, Caesar commands that you should have a license, tag, registration, title, insurance, and that you should wear your seatbelts, because it is against his law, and he is ordained of God, therefore you should do those things.
Bondservant: Paul, the apostle, was often thrown in prison by Caesar for disobeying their laws. And even though Jesus Christ told Pilate (the governor), that Pilate had no power against him, but what God gave him, Christ died under the same Pilate. I hope you will not say that either Paul or Christ disobeyed the governing authorities, and so sinned against God in slighting their laws. Officer, God's Law has provided two ways of obeying Caesar: the one to do that which I am bound to do; and the other, when I cannot obey Caesar because it would violate a Law of God, is to submit to their laws which punish evil doers and reward them that do good, and be willing to lay down my life, and to suffer what Caesar shall do to me, for placing God's Law above man's law (Acts 5:29).Officer: What's wrong with getting a license? How is it violating God's Law?
Bondservant: Firstly, Caesar is saying I have to go through him to exercise God's Law. Caesar is no mediator between me and God, "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 2:5). Secondly, a license is a written agreement between me and the State. I cannot enter into any agreements with the State, because my covenant is with God, not with the heathen. Contracts with Caesar are forbidden, because all contracts are on Caesar’s terms, and all promises are to be on God's terms (Leviticus 18:2, Jeremiah 22:9). And thirdly, a license would bind me to owe man something, and scripture says, "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law" (Romans 13:8).Officer: Well, you have to understand that I have a job to do out here.
Bondservant: Yes, I understand that you have a job to do, and I don't have a problem with that. But you must understand that I also have a job to do; I can only serve One Master, and He is above you and I, and He is also above whoever you take orders from.Officer: When I see a violation taking place, I have to act on it.
Bondservant: If I broke the Law, which of you convicts me of sin? (John 8:46). If I have done evil, bear witness of the evil I have done; but if well, why do you hinder me (John 18:23)? I was exercising my duty of movement upon the common ways. My warrant for doing that is written in the Word of God, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15), also, "To visit orphans and widows in their affliction" (James 1:27).Officer: Well, you're breaking the law if you don't have a license from the government.
Bondservant: So, then you're re-defining what good and evil is? Scripture does not say it's a sin to not get a license. You can say it's evil all day long, but if God's Word does not show it is an evil act then it's not evil. I am exercising my Duty of movement on the common ways for my Master, and that is not evil.Officer: You can walk.
Bondservant: Yes, I can. But the Lord has provided me this vessel.Officer: Do you have vehicle insurance?
Bondservant: I don't need insurance from man because I have assurance from God (Isaiah 32:17, Hebrews 10:22). I am not authorized to enter into contracts with State approved insurance companies. And car insurance neither prevents accidents, nor saves lives.Officer: So, you're one of those people who don't pay taxes, huh?
Bondservant: We pay for whatever we use. The Body of Christ is not made up of thieves. I owe Caesar nothing because I take nothing from Caesar, and I don't reside in your fictions. We're not your slaves, we are bondservants of Christ.Officer: Do you pledge allegiance to the flag?
Bondservant: No. That's idolatry. The only pledge of allegiance I can make is to our Creator.Officer: Please sign this ticket.
Bondservant: You presume evil where there is none. And I cannot sign that piece of paper, because I am a bondservant of my Sovereign King and Lord Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 7:22-23). Therefore, I cannot enter into any agreements which either obligates Him or myself.Officer: It's a criminal offense if you refuse to sign it.
Bondservant: I am not refusing to sign it, I am forbidden to sign it. I have no warrant from Him in His Law to sign those tickets, and I am specifically forbidden to do so in His Law (Matthew 6:34, Romans 13:8, 2 Corinthians 6:14-17). Just like you are forbidden to do certain acts by your master.Officer: I know that I should arrest you and impound the car, but I'm going to let you go. You're free to go.
Bondservant: Thank you, officer, and may God richly bless you for your compassion and your respect to the Law.
Alternatively, the outcome may be: Officer: If you don't have a license, I'm going to have to arrest you.
Bondservant: "I am straightened on every side; for if I do this thing, it is death unto me; and if I do it not, I cannot escape your hands. It is better for me to fall into your hands, and not do it, than to sin in the sight of the Lord" (Apocrypha, History of Susan 1:22-23).Officer: Well, I must arrest you now.
Bondservant: You do what you must; I can only do what our Lord and Master has commanded me to do. You're asking me to do what is impossible to do. I only serve one Master, and I am told by Him to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's. I don't have anything that belongs to Caesar, so I have nothing that can be rendered to him. By your own admission, you serve Caesar and not God.Officer: Caesar has been dead for two thousand years!
Bondservant: Caesar may be dead, but his spirit is not. And by your words and actions, you yourself have evidenced that his spirit is very much alive. Are you a Peace officer?Officer: Yes, I am.
Bondservant: Well, there is no greater Peace than that of "the Prince of Peace," Jesus the Christ (Isaiah 9:6).Officer: I'm afraid that I must arrest you now.
Bondservant: There is no law that compels an officer to violate God’s Law, which is the Supreme Law of the land, and the basis of all law in America.Officer: There are codes, rules, and regulations that you are breaking, so I must bring you to the station.
Bondservant: Jesus did not use your codes, rules, and regulations for the things he did, and neither do I use your codes, rules, and regulations for the things that I do. Officer, there are laws of man that direct you to do certain things, but I follow the Laws of God which direct me to do certain things. What's the difference?Officer: You’re under arrest.
Bondservant: You seek to arrest me because God’s Word hath no place in you (John 8:37).Officer: I'm just doing my job.
Bondservant: The Nazi's, too, were just doing their job. The Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus were just following orders.Officer: Who are you to preach to me?
Bondservant: That's my Duty. And it should be your duty to speak the truth as well.Officer: Let’s go to jail, pal.
Bondservant: "I am in your hands; do with me as seemeth good and right unto you" (Jeremiah 26:14).
Officer: We're going to impound this car; it's the law.
Bondservant: If you steal for Caesar, it is still you who are stealing. And what you steal from a servant of God, you steal from God himself.
Officer: (If he reads the Miranda Warning) You have the right to remain silent (and other State benefits...). Do you understand your rights?
Bondservant: I cannot accept any rights or protections offered by the State.Officer: I need to know if you understand what I read to you.
Bondservant: I cannot enter into any agreements with you.Police Station: Officer: Step against the wall please.
Bondservant: What for?Officer: We have to take your photograph.
Bondservant: Well, if you take something, isn't that stealing?Officer: Hmm. You do not want to give us your picture?
Bondservant: It is an image.Officer: Is it a graven image?
Bondservant: It is only an image.Officer: Well, we have to take your fingerprints.
Bondservant: They are not mine to give, and they are not Caesar's to take. They belong to God.Officer: Here is an ID tag you have to wear.
Bondservant: I am forbidden to be marked with a false image.Officer: Do you have on any underwear?
Bondservant: That's none of your business.Officer: Well, you need to put on these jail clothes.
Bondservant: What I have on is sufficient, because the Lord has given me these clothes to wear. If you want those on me, you'll have to put them on me and steal the clothes off my back. Two thousand years ago, when Christ was a prisoner of the State, the officers of Caesar stole the clothes off of Jesus' back as well (Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34, John 19:23-24), and it will be an honor for me to suffer for His sake as He has suffered for my sake (Philippians 1:29, 1 Peter 2:20; 3:14). But, in any case, I will not wear the clothes of a criminal. All that I have, and all that I am, belongs to God (Psalm 24:1, 1 Corinthians 6:19), and is a gift from my Father (James 1:17). Therefore, what you steal from me, you steal from Him.Officer: Are you going to be combative toward us?
Bondservant: I will not try to strike out at you or harm you in any way, but I will not help you in your wickedness. In Christ’s Kingdom, we treat others like we would like to be treated (Matthew 7:12).Officer: You are being cruel to your wife and children by not giving the jail staff more information, so that you could be released.
Bondservant: If I had a wife and children who were counting on my presence to help provide them security and well-being, it is you who are being cruel by depriving them of my presence.Officer: You could do more good for others if you weren't in jail.
Bondservant: Do you know why early "Christians" were willing to be thrown to the lions in Roman State arenas, or why Roman soldiers took Jesus and His apostles and arrested them them? They had the Roman centurions, and I have you.Officer: (When they are about to put you in jail, you may say...)
Bondservant: I forgive all of you for your trespass against me, because Jesus told us that when we forgive those who trespass against us, our Heavenly Father will also forgive us (Matthew 6:14-15).
Border Patrol: Officer: I need information from you before you can cross the border.
Bondservant: There is no border here. That's a creation of man. It is written in the scripture that "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof" (Psalms 24:1, 1 Corinthians 10:26,28). There are no borders! Jesus broke down all borders and commanded us to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Matthew 24:14, Mark 16:15).Officer: Uh, well, that’s your opinion. That doesn’t mean anything.
Bondservant: No, it’s not my opinion. You’re breathing, aren’t you? Where does your DNA come from? Were you created randomly by chance, or were you created by God? You are living proof that there is a Creator.Officer: I was created by random chance, and have evolved from some primordial ooze, to a sub-human creature, into the animal I now am.
Bondservant: If you believe you were randomly created, then it should be okay with you that I randomly cross the border. Good-bye!
[If they will not let you cross the "border," then simply go to a location where there are no checkpoints. And if you're crossing the "border" at a location where there are no checkpoints, and an officer approaches:]Officer: What are you doing here?
Bondservant: I'm just going where the Lord leads me.Officer: I saw you crossing the border.
Bondservant: I don't see a border anywhere.Officer: That fence you crawled under is the border.
Bondservant: According to scripture, there are no borders.
[Note: man created borders for strictly commercial purposes, to regulate cargo. By possessing a "passport," you are stating that you are cargo. A passport was originally a pass to allow cargo through a port]
If Approached while Walking: Officer: Let me see your ID.
Bondservant: (So that all know you are talking about the same thing, begin by defining what it is he's looking for). Identification: that which is used to describe the status of the holder as a citizen, resident, driver, operator, pedestrian…Officer: Yeah, yeah. Got any?
Bondservant:...none of which I am; and for me to have such a thing would falsely describe me and disparage my Father, for it is written, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." But I do have something better.Officer: What's that?
Bondservant: I have here the Holy Scriptures which defines and describes me as a Good and Lawful servant of Christ. Are you?
Officer: You're a vagrant, and it's against the law to loiter.
Bondservant: My Father has never described me as a vagrant. I am a sojourner with Christ Jesus. If you label me as a vagrant, that's your problem.
Serving a Warrant/Court Order: Officer: Hello Mr. so and so!
Bondservant: You say I am. Who do you minister for?Officer: I am a minister of Caesar, and I have a summons/court order/warrant for you.
Bondservant: Well, that's not my name.Officer: Oh, come on. Of course you're Mr. so and so!
Bondservant: You say I am.Officer: Well then, just what is your name then?
Bondservant: That's none of your business. And it's not important. What's important is that I'm not the one you're looking for.Officer: Let me see some I.D.
Bondservant: You're looking for someone in particular. I told you I'm not him. Therefore, I'm not part of your investigation.Building Inspector: Officer: You need a permit to build that (garage, room, barn, etc.).
Bondservant: You say it's a (garage, room, barn, etc.).
Officer: Then what do you call it?!
Bondservant: It doesn't matter what I call it. What matters is that I do not call it a (garage, room, barn, etc.).
Officer: Why are you doing this?
Bondservant: God is directing me to do this. All I can do is obey.
If Asked for Photo ID by Clerk: Clerk: I need to see your photo ID.
Bondservant: We are not permitted to have those things by our Father, and it says that right here in God's second commandment.
Clerk: You can't proceed until I see some ID.
Bondservant: Why? Am I a threat to you?Clerk: Well, you might be a terrorist.
Bondservant: An ID does not identify anybody as a terrorist.
If you are Arrested Sometimes, after being arrested, the police will become angry that you will not sign anything, or submit to their injections of drugs, or give them your fingerprints and mugshut. Do not give in. If you do not do what they say, they may threaten you by saying they'll send you to an insane asylum, by throwing you in solitary confinement, by keeping you up all night and dragging you out of bed in the middle of the night, keeping the lights on all night, making loud noises, they may refuse to give you toiletries, food, and even refuse to allow you to make a telephone call or see any visitors. They may smirk and say things like, "Your pain must be unbearable." If they do, simply look at them and say, "Thank you so much. I consider it a great honor to suffer for the Lord's sake, just as Christ suffered at your hands two thousand years ago."
For those who are thrown in jail, the authorities will not allow anyone to visit you if they have no identification. However, ministers of Christ do not need identification. We know of one brother who was thrown in solitary confinement (because Caesar was angry that he could not sign any of their paperwork), yet he was permitted to see his minister, his only visitor. All a minister must do is see the chaplain of the jail, and explain to him that he is a minister for the Lord, and he'd like to visit one of his flock. If he asks, explain to him why you don't have any Identification.
Sometimes, when you tell a judge that you are a bondservant of Christ Jesus, he will send you to a psychiatric hospital to see if you're crazy. But our Lord was in the same position as well, because Jesus was accused of being mad. Many of Jesus' listeners thought he was mad and crazy (John 10:20). Even Jesus' friends went to lay hold on him because they thought he was crazy (Mark 3:21). Brother Paul was also accused of being crazy by the Roman government, specifically by Festus, the procurator of Judea (Acts 26:24-25). So, you're in good company. When you are sent to a psychiatric hospital, there is no obligation for you to say anything to the psychologist, but if you do say anything, simply speak the Truth to them and take the opportunity to share the Kingdom of God with them. They may keep you there for days, weeks, or months, but this is actually a blessing! During your stay at the hospital, you are allowed visitors on a daily basis, you eat much better food than they serve in jail, you are assigned a comfortable bed, etc. You have much more freedom there than in a jail cell.
A court may also try to force you to take a lawyer, often by assigning a court appointed attorney to you. By accepting a lawyer you give jurisdiction to the court, and you are considered a "ward of the court" in their heathen law, meaning you are not capable of speaking in court. Besides, an attorney is a benefit of the court, and having one will nullify your witness. You cannot be forced to accept one. Therefore, when the lawyer comes to see you, simply tell him, "If you believe you are hired, consider yourself fired. Christ Jesus, and He alone, is my Advocate and Wonderful Counselor." Besides, anyone who forces themselves on you is your enemy.
Before you are brought to the judge, pray for the judge, and pray that his judgment will be a righteous judgment as God would have led him to make. The judge's job is not easy, and pray that God will bless him with the strength and wisdom to do it well, and pray that God continue to bless him. The judge will most likely be under political pressure from the government, and from the court that he works in.
Counsel from Scripture
Matthew 10:16, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."Ephesians 5:15, "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,"
Colossians 4:5-6, "Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man."
Psalms 119:97-105, "How I have loved thy law, O Lord! it is my meditation all the day. Thou hast made me wiser than mine enemies [in] thy commandment; for it is mine for ever. I have more understanding than all my teachers; for thy testimonies are my medication. I understand more that the aged; because I have sought out thy commandments. I have kept back my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy words. I have not declined from thy judgments; for thou hast instructed me. How sweet are thine oracles to my throat! more so than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding by thy commandments: therefore I have hated every way of unrighteousness. Thy law is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my paths."
Proverbs, 2:10-17, "For if wisdom shall come into thine understanding, and discernment shall seem pleasing to thy soul, good counsel shall guard thee, and holy understanding shall keep thee ; to deliver thee from the evil way, and from the man that speaks nothing faithfully. Alas [for those] who forsake right paths, to walk in ways of darkness; who rejoice in evils, and delight in wicked perverseness; whose paths are crooked, and their courses winding; to remove thee far from the straight way, and to estrange thee from a righteous purpose. [My] son, let not evil counsel overtake thee, [of her] who has forsaken the instruction of her youth, and forgotten the covenant of God."
Wisdom of Solomon 6:11, "Wherefore set your affection upon my words; desire them, and ye shall be instructed."
Conclusion When the policy enforcer flashes his little lights behind you and pulls you off the road (because if you don't stop, he might kill you), one of the first questions he'll ask you is, “Where do you live?” And if you answer truthfully with, “I live wherever I happen to be at the time,” he'll say, “Oh, you know what I mean.” You're then supposed to make an assumption: either he's speaking in ignorance (he does not really mean “where do you live,” but “where do you reside”), or he's asking to find out who's jurisdiction you're under. In other words, to re-state his question, “Are you of the world? If you're of the world you'll understand what I'm saying.”
He really wants to establish jurisdiction, and that's why he asks for your papers that establish their jurisdiction, their ownership, or their rulership over you. And if they can't establish that, either they'll persecute you for not being one of theirs, or they'll let you go because they don't know what to do and they're afraid of all the paperwork they're going to incur. But hopefully, they'll allow you to proceed because they were moved by the words the Holy Spirit had you speak to them.
They often presume we're a mind reader. Are you going to "give-in" to the world? Or are you going to speak the truth? Even though we understand what they're supposed to be saying, should we give them the answer that we have been conditioned to give, or should we give them an answer that might bring them over to God's Kingdom? If we speak the truth it opens up the door to witnessing. But if we just "give-in" and tell them what we know they want to hear and give them the wrong answer, then we lose the opportunity to bring them the Truth and fail in our Noble calling as a faithful bondman and ambassador of the King of kings.
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